Budget Committee Agenda 11.21.19

Budget Committee Agenda

November 21, 2019 6:30pm

Members – Marlene Freyler (Chair), Jason Allen (Select Board Rep), Justin Dohrn, Claire James

Cheryl Croto, Mark Fournier, Courtney Schusler

Pledge of Allegiance

Receipt of Correspondence:

  1. Review minutes from the October 17th, 2019 meeting

Old Business: 

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  1. Preliminary budget review

Receipt of Information or Proposals:  

  1. CIP overview


Future Business:

  1. Future meetings scheduled for December 5th and December 19th, 2019
  2. Friday February 14th, 2020 – Last date to hold Public Hearing on annual budget (must be noticed 7 days in advance) Target for early February.