Planning Board Minutes 11.26.19


                                           PLANNING BOARD MINUTES

                                                   November 26, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Meise, Laurie Colburn, Marlene Freyler (Alternate seated), Tom Dunne and Planning Board Secretary, Katie Olohan.

Members Absent: Carol Troy (Marlene Freyler filled seat), Alternates Steve Chase and Doug Troy.

To Do:

  • Claire introduced Katie Olohan. Katie has accepted the Planning Board Secretary role and the Board was excited to welcome her.
  • The Board reviewed the minutes of November 12th, 2019. Pam requested an edit to the 3rd Appearance bullet, 1st sentence, editing it to read… Matt Monahan from Central New Hampshire Regional reviewed the Land Use and Housing objectives drafted for the Master Plan update. Ann Eldridge and Doug Southard participated in the conversation. Claire noted a correction in the 2nd Appearance bullet, 3rd sentence, replacing the word replaces with replace. A correction to edit Michie’s with Michies was noted and Claire also identified a correction in the Pending section, 1st bullet, replacing the word updated with updates.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes with the edits for grammatical corrections.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 4-0 in favor, Carol Meise abstained.


  • None scheduled


  • The Board discussed whether the Agricultural Zoning sub-committee had any updates. The group has not been able to meet yet. Pam Bruss will follow up with a schedule date for the next Agriculture Zoning Review meeting.
  • The Board briefly discussed the draft ADU proposal. Laurie did not bring an updated draft but will refresh the document and send it to the Board via email for review at the next meeting.
  • The Board discussed a request from the Selectmen to review whether there would be opportunity to propose a Warrant Article to amend the Sign Ordinance to be more business friendly, specifically regarding the use of sandwich boards and the ability to have signs that have movable letters. Claire expressed concern that the Board may not have time to take this on as well as concern that the Board has been asked to amend zoning. She is not in support of changing the rules and felt there were other options that allow businesses to advertise in a more attractive manner. Claire also expressed concern that the Town should focus on enforcement of their rules and regulations rather than reacting and amending them when there are complaints. Pam would like to see new members review the data that had been collected when the Sign Ordinance was last reviewed. Laurie Colburn and Marlene Freyler expressed a desire to review and propose some amendments and volunteered to draft a proposed revision of the Sign Ordinance. Marlene expressed concern that a Petition Article may be submitted if the Board does not propose an amendment. Laurie will get the documentation previously reviewed from Pam and work with Marlene to draft a proposed revision. The Board will vote on the proposal at the next meeting on December 10th, 2019.
  • Laurie presented a draft checklist of activities to help provide more structure around the Planning Board process. The Board will review the document independently and discuss the checklist at the next meeting.
  • The Board discussed next steps with the Master Plan update. Claire provided the Board with a copy of the Community Facilities chapter and will email the Board a draft History & Culture chapter. Claire will also request CNHRP provide a document with all chapter objectives for the Board to use to determine their top objectives for the Implementation chapter.  She will request Matt Monahan/Mike Tardif attend the December 10th to review the Community Facility and History & Culture chapters, along with the top objectives for the Implementation Chapter. The Board will target January 14th for a final review of all chapters with a goal of hosting a Public Hearing on January 28th, 2020.
  • Laurie reviewed an email received from Steve Kelley regarding a proposal to implement a store front atr Map 6/Lot 103. Steve will attend the December 10th meeting for a preliminary consultation.  
  • The Board reviewed their pending agenda items and the meeting schedule for December which would fall on December 10th and December 24th. The Board decided to cancel the December 24th meeting, which is Christmas Eve, and will plan to hold an extended meeting on December 10th.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to adjourn at 7:55 pm.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 7-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Katie Olohan, Planning Board Secretary