Conservation Commission Minutes 12.17.19

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Report
December 17, 2019, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 11/19/2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by George to accept the report, seconded by Doug, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated there is $2.90 remaining in our 2019 appropriation. The Select Board is considering adding an additional $1000 to our annual budget to be applied to the Land Protection Fund for conservation projects.
Un-permitted Junkyards: Properties on Alder Plains Road and Fairgrounds Road were discussed at the 12/16 Select Board meeting. The Select Board has notified the Fairgrounds Road property owner of thirty days to rectify present violations. Ann has spoken to DES in regards to wetlands violations on these properties.
Planning Board: A complaint has been filed regarding vehicles in floodwater to the Warner River at the Twigs business site on Rte 103.
Land Acquisition: Ann spoke with the Select Board regarding possible deed transfer by the owner of two wetland lots off of Alder Plains Road to the stewardship of BCC. It was suggested that Ann contact the property owner to proceed.
Master Plan Land Use Chapter: BCC comments on this chapter have been sent to the Planning Board.
Adopt a Road Fall 2019 Report: Doug has put the finishing touches on the report and will be sharing with the Select Board.
Economic Development Committee: BCC will be working with this town committee on a trail map initiative.
Bradford Road Committee: Doug is acting as a liaison to the committee and has met with Steve Hall to discuss Class VI Road issues. The need for mud season restrictions was recognized. Emergency lane designation is still under discussion.
ATV Update: Doug attended a recent Warner Select Board meeting for the re-authorization of ATV trails in Warner. The ATV Club and affected landowners presented opposing arguments. The Warner SB will deliberate the issue until their next meeting. Doug also has been giving updates to the Bradford Select Board regarding state legislation on ATVs. Doug attended a recent meeting at the NH Forest Society with Rep Moynihan (Coos County) to discuss issues surrounding ATV use.
Bog Trail Guide: The update of the guide is in progress by Ann and Bill. Deb Dunlop will assist in editing.
Bradford Springs Hotel Site: The BCC is working with Mike Andrews to address preventing access to his property from the hotel site, using large rocks to block entry.
Old Mountain Road: Ann researched the deed related to the current 20 ft. waiver used by the town road agents in maintenance of this road. The waiver may be reduced if terrain and surroundings are impacted, as are the stream and wetlands on this road.
Warner River Local Advisory Board: Scott encouraged all to complete the survey which will help inform in the development of the Warner River Corridor Management Plan. It can be found on the town website.
Knight’s Hill Trail Bridge Repair: A DES trail wetland permit is needed to accomplish this.
Accolades: George was recognized at the Spirit of NH Volunteer Awards for his outstanding statewide stewardship efforts. Congratulations, George!

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. The next meeting is January 21, 2020, 7pm at BML.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary