ZBA Minutes 01.08.20



January 8th, 2020

Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Ken Parys Vice-Chair, Nathanial Bruss and Stephen Pierce were in attendance.

Denise Renk and Alternates Bob Hodges and Bill Duffy were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Minutes from the December 4th, 2019 meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Stephen Pierce

Decision: 4-0 in favor


  • Dan Higginson and Liz Nolan appeared on behalf of Robert Laurendeau to discuss an application for a variance to Article III, Section D:3 and D:4, regarding established setback criteria in the Bradford, NH Zoning Ordinance to facilitate construction of a two-bedroom, single family, home, in a Rural Residential District, located at Map 22/ Lot 3A. After a review of the application, the Board felt it was complete and will hold a Public Hearing at the next ZBA meeting scheduled for February 5th, 2020. A site walk was scheduled for January 29th, 2020 at the lot, on East Shore Drive, at 3:00pm. Ken asked that a plan that shows the character of the proposed structure be brought to the hearing.

Motion: Ken Parys motioned to accept the application.

Second: Nathaniel Bruss

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Zoning Board Communication:

  • The Board voted to amend the Zoning Board Rules and Procedures related to communications with other Town entities. Laurie will update the Rules and Procedures, placing the amendment as a topic titled Communication Between Boards, before the Application & Decisions section. She will also ensure that links are working properly on the Town website.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned that the Board add the amendment as dictated at the last meeting to the current Rules and Procedures after Definitions and before Applications and Decisions as its own section.

Second: Ken Parys

Decision: 3-0 in favor – Stephen Pierce abstained.

  • Laurie shared an inquiry from Beata Bzura who would like to speak with the Board about what the process would be to try and gain approval to develop a retreat on a property she is looking at purchasing. The scenario described would need a Special Exception and a conceptual plan should be brought to outline her objectives if she would like to speak with the Board.
  • The Board discussed positions that will be up for re-election in 2020. Laurie will confirm which members are up for re-election.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to adjourn at 7:43pm.

Second: Stephen Pierce

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary