Conservation Commission Minutes 01.20.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Report
January 21, 2020, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 12/17/2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by George to accept the draft report, seconded by Scott, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated that $0.25 was earned on accounts in December. Nathanial made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Doug, and unanimously approved.
2019 BCC Town Report: The draft report was reviewed by BCC members. A motion was made by Doug to accept the report, seconded by Patty, and unanimously approved for submission.
2020 NH Coverts Project Program: Possible nominations for the May 2020 session were discussed.
Non-permitted Junkyards: The Select Board is aware of the violations at sites on Fairgrounds Road and Alder Plains Road. A dated warning to rectify the current violations has been issued to the Fairgrounds Rd property owner. Ann has spoken to the DES in regards to wetlands violations on both of these properties.
Land Acquisition Opportunity: Brooks and Ann have drafted a proposal letter to the owner of two wetlands lots behind Pearl Town Forest to transfer the deed to the stewardship of BCC.
Land Use Change Tax Warrants: The Select Board signed two LUCT warrants generated from the removal of acreage in Current Use for Map 3, Lot 55 (Bagley Hill Road) and Map 2, lot 45 (Johnson Hill Road). Nathanial suggested that the Land Use Change Tax be included on Town building permit forms to ensure that it be noted and paid.
Master Plan Land Use Chapter: The Planning Board has incorporated BCC comments and suggestions to the Master Plan. A public hearing will be held at a later date. BCC member attendance has been requested.
Old Mountain Road Maintenance Guidelines: A letter was drafted and sent to Lucas, the Select Board, NH Fish and Game, and abutters to inform them that deed research has revealed the 20 foot maintenance waiver may be reduced if terrain and surroundings are impacted, such as the brook on Old Mountain Rd.
Bog Trail Guide: The revised edition is completed, thanks to the efforts of Ann, Bill and Deb Dunlop.
Economic Development Committee: BCC will be working with this committee, along with Parks and Recreation, on a trail map initiative.
ATV Update: Doug reported that the Warner Select Board closed 40% of the previously authorized ATV trails under the new three year agreement of ATV use in the Mink Hills as of January 20. Closure of trails was in response to complaints of residents in the areas of frequent ATV use and abuse. ATV Clubs will be responsible for trail maintenance on any authorized roads. A Mink Hills study group has been formed for the management of economic, historical and recreational issues. Doug also mentioned there are bills pertaining to ATVs at the State House level, being presented Wednesday January 29.
Rail Trail: A group promoting the development of the local Rail Trail is meeting Thursday January 23 at SweetBeet.
ASLPT: The Outreach Committee is looking for suggestions on a Bradford hike to explore a local ASLPT property. Several easements were discussed.
Kudos: Many thanks were expressed to Bog repair volunteers, the signage team of Seth and George, and Knight’s Hill trailworkers Doug, George, Ann, Bill and Meg.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. The next meeting is February 18, 2020, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary