Planning Board Minutes 03.10.20



MARCH 10, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne, Carol Meise, and Alternate Marlene Freyler.

Members Absent: Carol Troy, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep), Alternates Doug Troy and Steve Chase.

To Do:

Review and Consideration of February 25th, 2020 Minutes

Motion: Claire James made a motion to accept the February 25th, 2020 minutes with the correction of the spelling of her name.

Second: Carol Meise                        

Decision: All in favor


Brooks McCandlish of 738 West Road Bradford, NH 03221 appeared before the Planning Board to submit a NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY MERGER OF LOTS. The lots are as follows Map 4 Lot 15, Map 4 Lot 31, Map 4 Lot 14 all located on West Road and Map 4 Lot 32 located on Old Mountain Road.  

Pam expressed a concern that the notice may need a Public Hearing.

Motion: Laurie Colburn made a motion to review the merger of lots for the next Planning Board meeting on March 24th, 2020.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: All in favor

Other Communications:

Map 3 lot 82b – Gateway Rentals, LLC.

Application and site plan on file. Pam met with Brooks McCandlish from the Zoning Board. Pam is concerned about the elevation and slopes that go to the Warner River.  On Friday February 28th,2020 Pam met and spoke with the owner Rick Deschenes to communicate her concerns that Water Runoff on more than 10,000sq ft would trigger the stormwater management plan. The owner spoke with his engineer and changed the plans slightly. Pam reached out to four engineers to review the new plans. Horizon engineering said they could review for the March 24th meeting. Pam has reached out to the owner for the Storm water runoff data in regards to the new plans.  The estimate for the review is $1,200.00

The owner would like to have the Planning Board accept the application contingent upon the shoreline protection.

Marlene asked if we could speak to the state in regards to helping review the data because of the cost.

The board agrees that we need assistance in reviewing the Shoreline Protection.  Laurie asked if we could reach out to the Warner River Engineers? Carol Meise mentioned Ken Lander as a point of reference. Claire James stated we need to contact the state for resources and Ken Landers in regards to RSA 676:4.

Notices are to be sent out in regards to a Public Hearing for March 24th, 2020 to vote whether we accept the application at a later date.

Pam stated she would contact the state for their process and contact the chair of the Warner River Local Advisory Committee for the March 24th, 2020 meeting.

  • Pam asked if voted out who will take on the application process concerning Map 3 Lot 82B? Laurie Colburn stated that she would take on the application process.
  • Laurie asked if the Planning Board can reach out to the central regional Planning just for information in regards to tiny homes, retreats, etc. Pam stated we can also contact a lawyer in regards to information just for future reference. Laurie is going to put a list of topics together for more information.
  • The Master Plan Public Hearing is set for the March 24th,2020 Claire asked if voted out if she could present the Master Plan? Marlene Freyler stated that anyone who worked on the Master Plan could present it does not necessarily have to be a Board Member that presents or reads the Master Plan to the public.

Planning Board Communications:

  • The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on March 24th, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn at 7:37pm.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: All in Favor

Minutes submitted by Katie Olohan, Planning Board Secretary