Selectmen’s Minutes 05.04.20

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James, Marlene Freyler (7:25pm) and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance via video conference.

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Tim Blagden, from the Friends of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail discussed mapping a trail from West Main Street to the area behind the Sunoco Station as part of the continuing Rail Trail expansion project. This is not a Town funded initiative. The group would apply for a grant and raise contributions as matching funds. The group seeks to develop trails that are as flat and straight as possible and accessible to all. Costs and a timeline would still need to be finalized. Tim feels the flat trail would be more visible and provide greater usability than following the moderate snowmobile trail existing today.
  • Michele Halsted, of the Rural Heritage Connection, outlined that the RHC in collaboration with the Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Association is prepared to seek an RTP grant in June 2020 for a moderate trail, rather than the flat trail described by Tim. An estimated cost of $22,000 plus $2600 for surfacing the trail was provided for the moderate trail construction. The RHC will support whatever decision the Select Board decides to support. A flat trail was estimated at $20,000 to $40,000 in addition to the $26,000 estimated to complete the moderate trail. The RHC concluded that the high cost would be an irresponsible use of donor resources. Jason asked Tim to provide cost estimates for the next Select Board meeting.
  • Chris Olsen, interim Fire Chief provided a detailed update on activity at the Fire Department. Between March 13th and March 31st, 2020 the department, both Fire and Emergency Rescue Services, have responded to 12 calls. The Fire Department budget had expended 25% of its annual budget as of the end of March. Chris provided the Board with contact information for all personnel and a Chain of Command for the department. He also provided the Board with Standard Operating Procedures and Standard Operating Guidelines for the department. Chief Olsen shared areas of responsibilities and a new Fire Fighter orientation packet. Marlene expressed concerns about how the Board is going to manage the budget as she feels the expenses associated with MRI will exceed the available budget amount. Jason felt that the Fire Dept salary line would have some surplus which could cover an overage the Contract Services line which is being utilized to fund the Municipal Resources Inc. contract. He added that the Board would need to manage the expense within the constraints of the total operating budget.
  • Jason reviewed the priority list of road work established by the Road and Bridge Committee. Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, provided an update on the Pleasant View Road culvert project. The road should be opened in the next couple of days. The project exceeded the planned cost due to the unanticipated installation of guard rails, approximately $5000. The bridge project on West Meadow Road was reviewed. An estimated cost of $68,550 was provided by the contractor who just completed the work on Pleasant View Road. The contractor has offered to waive the installation cost for the Pleasant View guard rails if he is awarded the West Meadow project and can begin immediately. Jason felt the Town should waive the purchasing policy requirements as the quote seems very reasonable and the Town benefits by reduced overall cost. The contractor would be able to start on Monday, May 11th, 2020. Karen asked whether any permitting would need to be done by the Town. Steve does not believe so but will follow up.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with Cold River Bridges proposal, provided an engineered drawing for the desired weight rating is provided.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Steve also provided an update on chip seal and crack sealing projects and pricing. Jason would like to wait and see where the paving numbers come in before moving forward with any crack sealing. Steve expects paving estimates to be received over the next couple of weeks. Steve will provide an update on costs for discussion at the next meeting to determine the priorities. An estimate was received from Valley Excavating for repair work proposed on the Cochran Hill and Water Street intersection to address water runoff issues. With the Town providing all materials, and Hoyle & Tanner conducting the permitting process, the project is estimated at $43,500.  

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with the Cochran Hill project based upon the numbers Steve Hall provided.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Regular Business: 

  • A Public Hearing was opened at 8:17pm for the purpose of adopting Rules and Procedures for the Selectmen.

There was no discussion by the Board or input from the public.

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:18pm.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adopt the Select Boards Rules and Procedures.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board reviewed the minutes from the April 20th, 2020 meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the April 20th, 2020 minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Account Payables and Payroll Manifest were reviewed by Jason. Marlene and Michael will stop by the office to review and sign the documents.
  • Karen provided an update on the Bement Bridge reconstruction project. The project has gone out for bid with bids due back by May 27th, 2020.
  • The Board discussed Town record storage and will be exploring a permanent solution at the Town Hall.
  • Karen and Police Chief Jim Valiquet updated the Board regarding planned improvements at the Bradford Area Community Center. The Community Action Program (CAP) has brought in a 2nd freezer to the Bradford Area Community Center as they adjust their Meals On Wheels service within the constraints imposed by COVID-19. This was not a planned addition. Karen and Jim Valiquet, representing the BACC Governance Committee, will be meeting with the CAP organization on May 5th to discuss what their ongoing needs might be as their scope of work, and the delivery of services, has been changing. Karen suggested that the Town draft a letter to CAP extending the time for the lease renewal terms, which is due in May, to be extended until June 5th, 2020 to give the Town time to understand what change may impact the lease terms.
  • A follow up was communicated regarding Lafayette Square where the Bradford Gardeners had sought permission from the Town to take on gardening maintenance. The square is not owned by the Town but rather by the Mckenna family who has granted the Gardeners permission to work there.
  • The Board discussed revenue through the end of April. Motor Vehicle registration revenue is down by about $30,000, Building Permits are up. No critical risk items have been identified as of April 30th.
  • The Board discussed rights to the website domain The Bradford Business Association has had domain rights to The Association is being discontinued thus no longer needs the site, and asked the Town if they would like to take it over. The Board felt that since the cost is minimal, the Town should take over the rights to the site.
  • The Board discussed re-opening the Town. Jason felt that the facilities policy should remain status quo through May 31st. Karen asked whether French’s Park should be opened. The consensus was to open the beach as it is normally done. Marlene expressed concern with campground users accessing the beach. Karen will check with the insurance company regarding French’s Park to identify any considerations. Police Chief, Jim Valiquet indicated the department could increase patrols at French’s Park.
  • The Board also discussed whether to move forward with the preparations for the Independence Day Celebration. The Board will have Devin Pendleton continue to move forward with North Star Fireworks who have indicated no penalty will be incurred if the Town needs to cancel the Independence Day Celebration.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with a North Star Fireworks contract for 2020.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to waive the May lease payment for Freyler’s Driving School as the business cannot operate due to the State of Emergency.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 2-0 in favor. Marlene Freyler abstained.

Karen asked about whether the Town would allow the Lake Todd Village District to hold their annual budget and association meetings at the BACC. The building is currently closed to all public events and the Board suggested the group explore the use of the Brown Shattuck Field or ZOOM.

  • The Board received information that 18 Massessecum Ave, a residence foreclosured upon and now owned by a bank, is starting to have additional vehicles parked at the property. The Board will have the Attorney send a letter to the bank and impose fines for any Zoning violations.
  • A Tax Anticipation Note was signed to transfer $150,000.
  • A Gravel Tax Warrant was signed.
  • An Intent to Excavate for Map 7 Lot 26 was signed.
  • Three Intent to Cut requests were signed for Map 13 Lots 20 and 30, Map 3 Lot 45 and Map 4 Lots 15 and 32.

Public Input:

  • Chris Frey, expressed concerns about how much spending was discussed during the meeting and the timing of expenditures due to a concern with receipt of tax revenue. Jason expressed similar concerns but outlined that many of the expenditures discussed would be coming from specific appropriations and the Town will have to fund those appropriations regardless of what the revenues are. He expressed that since the Town will allocate these funds regardless, that taking advantage of lower rates for work at this time is in the best interest of the Town.

Motion: Marlene motioned at adjourn at 9:01pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday May18th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary