Selectmen’s Minutes 06.01.20

Meeting called to order at 7:01pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James (via Zoom 7:11pm), Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


  • Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, appeared and provided a general update to the Board. The crews have been addressing maintenance on gravel roads and continuing ditching and road patching on paved roads. The bridge deck replacement on West Meadow Road is underway. Sweeping is approximately halfway done. Gravel is being delivered and culverts have arrived for the Cochran Hill Road project.

Steve had received some complaints regarding forestry work on County Road. Steve spoke with the residents about the project and let them know a Road Bond has been issued to cover any unrepaired damage that might be caused by the logging activity.

Steve expressed concerns about the pavement conditions on East Washington Road. He feels some work will need to be done to address the failing road conditions. He provided the Board with cost estimates, provided by smaller paving companies, to maintain some of the worst areas in Town and will have costs provided for the worst spots on East Washington Road as well.

Michael asked when the Town might have a road design completed to evaluate what should be done to correct specific solutions. There is currently not enough money in the budget to do all the work needed and the Road and Bridge Committee has already prioritized key improvement work. Some temporary fixes will be needed and Steve will call a Road and Bridge Committee meeting to discuss specific scenarios.

  • Christopher Olson, interim Fire Chief, provided a Fire Chief update for the month of May. He went over the volume of calls the Department responded to and provided an updated accounting for the two-week period he was in office in March where the Department responded to 12 calls. April had 11 calls and in May there were 15 calls.

He provided a budget update; the Department has about 58% of the budget remaining and feels they are on track for the year but do have a couple areas of the budget that they are watching closely.

He discussed an officers meeting that was held and reviewed the items discussed. Policies and procedures were reviewed along with personnel, training, the budget and equipment checklists. He reviewed a list of upcoming events scheduled for the month of June and outlined a CPR class that will happen in July. The Chief also discussed various equipment and tools that the Department is reviewing.

An update was provided concerning the search for a new Fire Chief by Municipal Resources Inc. One application has been received to date and the posting is still active.

The Chief discussed parade participation by the Department, to celebrate the students and teachers of the Kearsarge district, on June 6th.

He also outlined a performance review proposal that he will be reviewing with his officers to reinforce expectations and support Department member growth.

Regular Business: 

  • The Board reviewed the minutes from the May 18th, 2020 meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the minutes May 18th, 2020 minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • The Account Payables and Payroll Manifest was reviewed and signed by Jason and Marlene. Michael will stop in the office to add his signature.
  • Karen provided an update on the Bement Bridge project. On May 27th, bids were opened by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA) and bids came in somewhat higher than what the HTA had estimated. The areas of the bid that came in higher were reviewed and, while some may be variable, most are fixed costs. It appears that this will be an increase of approximately $41,000 to the costs planned by the Town. Karen will be reviewing the total project cost against what has been secured to complete the project. The State is reviewing the bids and will notify the Town when the project is released to move forward.
  • There was no update on record storage. Town Hall Architect, Jay Barrett and Fire Chief Christopher Olson will be providing the Town with requirements to meet code.
  • Karen provided the Board with an update concerning a phased re-opening of the Town’s buildings. Karen recommended that the Town continue as status quo and will revisit the subject on June 15th when the next phase of reopening is expected from the State of New Hampshire. The Board agreed.
  • Jim Valiquet provided an update, via Zoom, concerning quotes being received for work on the Bradford Area Community Center kitchen. Quotes are still being collected. Karen also presented the lease for the Community Action Program and it was signed. Quotes for maintenance work on the exterior of the building are still being collected.
  • Walter Royal reviewed painting quotes for the Town Hall. He felt that the quotes received were not comparable in scope and is recommending that a new RFP be sent out. He will have a follow up discussion with Jay Barrett to more clearly define the scope and send out a request for a revised quote. The Board would like any recommendation to paint the window trim quoted as a separate item as part of the RFP.
  • Karen reviewed the status of revenue receipts; taxes are coming in a bit lower than the previous year but are not abnormally low. Motor Vehicle revenue remains about $30,000 lower than the past couple of years. Room & Meals revenue, as well as Highway Block Grant receipts, continue to be an area of concern but the revenue amounts will not be known until the end of the year. The Town Administrator will continue to watch revenue and update the Board.
  • The Board declined placing a clothing shed at the base of the entrance to the Transfer Station. They would prefer to follow the Transfer Station Manager’s recommendation to keep any such collection bins at the Transfer Station building to ensure that unwanted items are not placed in the donation locations.
  • The Town Election team has been looking at locations to host the September and November elections. The team is looking at possibly leveraging the Masonic Hall, at 89 West Main Street, for the remaining 2020 Elections.
  • Karen asked the Select Board to update the annual Management’s Discussion and Analysis statement for the financial audit. Jason will draft a document and send it to the other Board members for comment.
  • The Board signed a letter thanking Circular Blu, who donated facemasks and hand sanitizer to the Town’s first responders.
  • An Intent to Cut was signed for Map 13/Lots 19 & 22 as well as Map 7/Lot 48.
  • The Board signed a Personnel Action Form.
  • Karen shared that an email of appreciation was received complimenting Lieutenant Edward Shaughnessy for his support and care in response to a call.
  • The State Department of Environmental Services will not be able to test the water at French’s Park this year as they normally would.  Karen was able to secure a volunteer to conduct the testing.
  • The Board discussed making sure there is communication between Board members prior to speaking with the legal representation to minimize costs.

Public Input:

  • A question was raised by Mark Goldberg as to where new freezers would be located for the Community Action Program at the Bradford Area Community Center. These will be located in the CAP office and supported by separate electrical circuits.
  • Marlene Freyler volunteered to paint the post for the Welcome to Bradford signs to make them more attractive. The other Board members were supportive.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3:II (a) at 8:10 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to leave non-public session at 8:26 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (l) at 8:27 pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to leave to non-public session at 8:42 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (l) at 8:42 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to Public Session at 8:53 pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned at adjourn at 8:54 pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday June 15th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary