Selectmen’s Agenda 06.15.20

Instructions to connect to the meeting via ZOOM are here

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:


  1. Melissa Cloutier – Dog Warrant
  2. Conservation Commission – Class VI Roads
  3. Michelle Turco Magistro – 340 Fairgrounds Update
  4. Police Department Update
  5. Transfer Station Update

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the June 1st meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Highway – Bacon Road, Bement Bridge update, vote funding for West Meadow Bridge repair
  4. Visitor Placards at French’s Park
  5. Cemeteries
  6. MD&A review
  7. Phased Opening of Town Update
  8. BACC Maintenance, Driving School lease

New Business:

  1. Sign Intent to Cut Map 2 Lot 71
  2. Sign Intent to Cut Map 6 Lot 97

Public Input:

Non-Public Session     per RSA 91-A:3II (a) & (l)

Pending Issues and Topics for Future Meetings:

  1. Purchasing Policy
  2. Contracts

Upcoming meetings:   June 29, 2020