Selectmen’s Minutes 06.15.20

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


  • Melissa Cloutier, Town Clerk, appeared, per RSA 466:14, to present a list of unlicensed dogs in preparation for issuing a Dog Warrant. The Board approved the list and approved issuance of the Dog Warrant once prepared.
  • Ann Eldridge, on behalf of the Conservation Commission, appeared to discuss a compilation of Class VI Road ordinances. Adopted in 1997, the Commission asked that the Selectmen enforce the ordinance to close roads during mud season. Although the ordinance has been in place, it has not been enforced. The Board agreed the ordinance should be enforced. The Commission also asked the Board about adopting a Fire Lane Ordinance. Jason and Marlene expressed concern that such an ordinance could be abused in the future. Michael questioned whether it should be enacted to address maintenance for responding to a fire. Marlene expressed that property owners know that they are living on a Class VI road and it should not be the Town’s responsibility. Brooks McCandlish outlined that the advantage of adopting Fire Lanes gives the Town the option to work on roads. He stated that where a Class VI road is entering a Class V road, emergency lanes allow the Town to work on the entrance to the Class V road without any obligation. The subject was tabled.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to enact Mud Season Closures.

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Michelle Turco Magistro, of 340 Fairgrounds Road, attended to provide an update on cleaning up her property. She said they have been able to get rid of 10-12 vehicles and have been cleaning up the scrape metal. She stated that with the Coronavirus it has been difficult to get rid of items but they are working on cleaning up the site. Michael James felt the process should not be stopped, but is not interested in collecting fines as long as the property concerns are being addressed. Jason asked if Michelle would be open to having the Code Enforcement Officer visit the site. Michelle will follow up, after a discussion with her husband, by the end of the week. The Board agreed to continue moving forward with the process to enforce the Zoning Ordinances and encouraged Michelle to continue cleaning up the property.

Marlene asked about the status of 18 Massasecum Avenue, the process of enforcing the Zoning Ordinance at that location continues.

  • Jim Valiquet, Chief of Police, attended the meeting sharing an update regarding the Police Department. He provided the Board with a history of call activity. From a budget perspective the Department is on track. The Department has a number of cases pending in the Court system as well as a number of domestic incidents. The Department is getting ready for the CHAD games, practicing their ball skills, to support the fundraiser.
  • Lois Kilnapp, Transfer Station Manager, provided an update on activity at the Transfer Station. They have seen a larger volume of activity this spring but believe they will stay on budget. Lois is working on getting another drop-off container for clothing donations.

Regular and Old Business:

  • The Board reviewed the Minutes of the June 1st meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the Minutes of June 1st, 2020

Second: Jason Allen

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed
  • Highway Department:
  • Jason outlined a meeting of the Road and Bridge Committee who had conducted site visits to Bacon Road and Breezy Hill Road in response to complaints regarding maintenance work conduct by the Highway Department. The Committee did find a few areas of concern which should be resolved with a driveway that is being removed. The Committee agreed that the majority of work done was appropriate. Sonny Harris will be investigating right of way locations for future reference.
  • Bement Bridge is waiting on State approval to move forward.
  • The project cost for West Meadow Bridge repair was $72,232.60.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to withdrawal the funding for the West Meadow Bridge project from the Road and Bridges Expendable Trust Fund.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • The Police Department has been issuing tickets for non-resident use of French’s Park. Many are being rescinded as the vehicles in question belong to Town residents but do not have the appropriate sticker. The Town discussed issuing Visitor Placards as well as the placement of Town Transfer Station stickers. The Police Department has been educating residents as to where Town stickers and placards can be obtained. Year to date, 25 citations have been issued versus 8 in 2019. The park is open to Town Residents and property owners only. A notice will be placed in The Bradford Bridge. Michael suggested using just a placard, issued at a $5 fee. Chief Valiquet outlined that the challenge is the beach is to be used by Town property owners only and there are out of Town people using the facility. He recommended standardizing the process and tying the permit to the taxpayer’s property. Michael suggested issuing a seasonal pass tied to the taxpayer’s property. Lois Kilnapp felt the Town should leave the process as it is, utilizing dump stickers and providing the seasonal residents placards. The Police Department asked that the Transfer Station ensure stickers are placed on all vehicles using the Transfer Station.
  • Jarna Perkins was appointed to a vacant Cemetery Trustee position. Jason asked about the status of addressing questions regarding poor care, or a lack of care, at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Marlene Freyler spoke on behalf of the Cemetery Commission. The Commission is working with the resource that is maintaining the Cemetery to address the issues. The Board requested that the gentleman doing the work attend a future Select Board meeting to discuss the maintenance work.
  • The Management, Discussion & Analysis statement, for the Town Audit, was reviewed and approved.
  • The Board discussed a phased opening of Town offices. The State has lifted the Stay at Home Order and the Board discussed opening the Select Board meetings to the public as long as social distancing is maintained. Michael felt that continuing with the current structure, and allowing appearances to attend in public, would be a good path forward. Audio during the meeting continues to be a challenge, Michael will move forward obtaining microphones. The Board supported having the Town Office establish a social distancing plan and establish requirements to re-open the Town Offices. The Lake Todd Association is planning to hold a meeting at the Bradford Area Community Center and the Board discussed requirements for socially distancing and cleaning. Ellen Barselle discussed plans to open the Library on July 6th, the Town Office will open on this date as well.
  • Karen Hambleton, representing the Bradford Area Community Center Governance Board, presented a recommendation to renew the Freyler Driving School lease at the current rate. The Board approved the lease renewal. Jason reviewed some follow up he had done regarding pending improvements at the BACC which included a conversation with Rick Baron regarding billable work done at the BACC to provide a quote for plumbing work. Jason recommended the Board compensate him for the work done as he had done a full evaluation of the building and the code updates required. He also reviewed quotes provided by other resources for exterior maintenance and kitchen improvements. Jim Valiquet outlined the conversations he has had with the various vendors that have quoted work. Marlene expressed that she has been involved in a similar initiative and the BACC project seems to have gotten very complicated. The Board supported having Jason reach out to the State to discuss the code requirements for the kitchen work. In the meantime, the Board discussed moving forward with the water damage repair work on the deck and the repair of the pillars (front and back) of the building.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with Rene Remodeling, for $1,800, for water damage repair work on the deck and the repair of the pillars.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

New Business:

  • The Select Board was presented with 2 deeds for Cemetery Plots which were signed.
  • The Board signed Intent to Cuts for Map 2/Lot 71 and Map 6/Lot 97.

Public Input:

  • Beth Downs requested the Board monitor what is happening at 340 Fairgrounds Road, she felt while there was some progress there is still more to do. She also registered a complaint about explosion noise in the middle of the night, screeching tires and revving engines. She also complained about not being able to walk on the road due to the dog. Jason recommended contacting the police when there is an issue. Michael outlined that the process to address the Zoning Violations is still underway.
  • Ann Eldridge also expressed concern about 340 Fairgrounds Road from an environmental perspective, stating concerns regarding water contamination. She also spoke about the Department of Environmental Affairs engagement and asked about whether fines were being imposed. Karen provided an update that the Town has initiated the process of issuing a fine.
  • Brooks McCandlish commented on progress regarding the Fire Department and the engagement with the Department regarding the hiring of a new Fire Chief as agreed upon at Town Meeting.
  • Ann Eldridge asked the Board to read comments provided by Mark Goldberg. Jason read the comments into record which provided commentary regarding the use of Fire Lanes. Mark outlined that not having maintenance done on Class VI roads could result in costly impacts if responding to a forest fire. Michael expressed that if the Board had the willpower to support their decisions when utilization an Emergency Fire Lanes policy to conduct work that no issues would arise. He feels that if the Board will stand behind their decision it would not be an issue. Karen will research what policies other Towns may have in place. Brooks McCandlish outlined that the Town would not need to make every road an Emergency Fire Lane. They could eliminate roads that have residences. Karen asked if there was a list of roads that present a concern to the Fire Department. Brooks does not believe there is a specific list. Michael would be willing to move forward with adoption provided clear guidelines are established. Marlene would like to discuss the process more. Jason outlined adding the subject to a future agenda and to work on getting a list of roads that may be in question.
  • Bill Duffy asked the Board to come up with a solution for better audio for Public Meetings.
  • Michael James shared that Don Moss, in the Garden Group, had come up with a plan to work on the Town signs. He has asked him to reach out to Marlene who had outlined a plan to paint the posts of the Town welcome signs.
  • Marlene Freyler asked whether there is funding to place flags on the green, at Route 103, in Town for Independence Day. The Select Board’s office was informed that flags are no longer permitted to be placed on telephone poles although other Towns have said there is a permit process which the Town is investigating. The other Board members were supportive.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with putting up the flags

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3:II (a) at 8:59pm

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to leave to non-public session at 9:30 pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (a) at 9:30 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to Public Session at 10:00 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned at adjourn at 10:00 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday June 29th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary