Budget Committee Minutes 08.10.10

AUGUST 9, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Gary Wall, Chair called the August 9, 2010 Budget Committee meeting to order at 6:30pm with Chris Aiken, Don Jackson, Dick Keller, George Cilley, Beth Rodd, and Marge Cilley Secretary present.

Gary Wall expressed concern regarding who does and who does not receive e-mails. Secretary will check the list she sends information to. Perhaps a tag should be put on so the sender can receive a receipt.

Review and Consideration of July 20, 2010 minutes:

4312 Highway Dept. Under 4303, Repairs and Maintenance – Equipment: The Budget Committee considered this request, and voted to NOT recommend transfer of the $40,000 to the Highway Budget.

4155 Employee Benefits: Should read increasing amount by $7,000.00 by moving it to a Family Plan.

4225 Rescue Squad last sentence should read Richard Branch.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to approve the July 20, 2010 minutes with the above edits. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 6-0.

Department Heads:

A letter will be drafted to all Department Heads regarding projections for their operating budgets and requesting them to come before the Budget Committee to start the budget process, beginning the second week of October. Beth Rodd will draft the letter and forward to all members of the board for their input. Discussion ensued regarding putting the suggested minimum of a 5% cut across the board to all departments as a goal.

The Budget Committee requested the secretary to estimate total hours needed to do the job, as well as necessary supplies and to report at the next meeting.

Other topics of conversation included:

Costs for new lawsuit.

Use of Highway equipment, skid steer, overtime etc.

Public Input:

Robert Manchester handed out some information sheets with comparisons between what other towns are receiving in services for their money and what Bradford is paying and receiving. Some areas of concern include: 1. The Police Dept. Bradford Police Department is costing taxpayers approximately

$193.00 per individual compared to a survey of 56 towns in MA whose per capita

cost equaled $191.00.

2. Fire Dept. Using the same Mass. survey, Fire protection costs per capita were

$178.00 as opposed to Bradford’s approximately $70.00 per capita.

3. The Community Center The existing programs that are on-going there, rental of

space etc. and not being self sustainable. Mention was made of the Farmer’s Market and there being only 4 vendors now and the Summer Camp not going on this summer.

The cost per capita for the use of the facility for the CAP program which is utilized  for the benefit of not only Bradford, but Henniker, Warner, Sutton etc. is

approximately $55.00. It was pointed out that even 20/25% of services benefiting

non-Bradford residents represents a sizeable contribution to them, at no remuneration.

Mr. Manchester advised the Community Center was not supposed to cost the town anything; however, it is now costing the town $65,000. and the town is providing the State of NH a facility for the sum of $10,000. Meals on Wheels could utilize some other spot in Bradford, such as the Mason’s building, Church etc. per Mr. Manchester.

If the Community Center were disestablished as a Community Center, it would solve a couple of problems, such as facilities from here could be moved directly over there and town offices could be accommodated in that building. Mr. Manchester advised he has discussed this with the Fire Chief, and nothing would need to be done at the Community Center facility. Also, if the fireworks budget was cut for a couple of years, there would be even more money for road work.

Mr. Manchester advised there could still be rooms available in the Community Center for groups to meet. Insurance was brought up as a concern at the Community Center. It was brought up that Parks & Rec’s revolving budget should go through the town office.

The board thanked Mr. Manchester for his input.

Meeting adjourned 7:50pm.

Next Meeting will be set up later.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley