Zoning Board Minutes 08.05.20



August 5th, 2020


Members: Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Ken Parys, Vice Chair; Beth Downs, Nathanial Bruss and Denise Renk (seated at 7:05pm).

Alternates: Robert Hodges (Absent), William Duffy (Absent)

Members of the public: None Present

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of July 1st, 2020 minutes

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes as written

Second: Ken Parys

Decision: None

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to approve minutes with the amendment of the Zoning Board will reach out to the Planning Board in place of Nathanial Bruss will reach out.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: Ken Parys- Ayes, Beth Downs-Ayes, Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Brooks McCandlish- Ayes, Denise Renk- Ayes

  •  New applications: None
  •  Appearances: None
  •  Unfinished Business:

 Ken Parys drafted and read a letter addressed to the Planning Board from the Zoning Board. The letter was read into record. The board discussed the letter and felt it was necessary and important to help the Zoning Board address the state requirements while preserving the lake shoreline and agriculture.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to accept and have the Zoning Board submit the letter to the Planning Board

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: Ken Parys- Ayes, Beth Downs-Ayes, Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Brooks McCandlish- Ayes, Denise Renk- Ayes

Other Communications:

  • A letter from the State of NH department of safety with the division of motor vehicles was sent to the code enforcement officer.
  • Acknowledgment of the NSR site plan(s) application(s) sent out for review from the Planning Board. The Zoning Board has no comments. Brooks will respond to the Planning Board.
  • Brooks reviewed the budget information summary report for July. The Zoning Board has a question on the summary report categorized as Zoning Supplies. The Summary report will not be approved until the supplies in question have been clarified. Katie Olohan will reach out to Maureen for clarification.
  • Beth Downs will not be present for the September 2nd,2020 Zoning Board meeting.

The next Zoning Board meeting will be held on September 2nd, 2020 held remotely via the Zoom platform.

Motion: Ken Parys motioned to adjourn

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: Ken Parys- Ayes, Beth Downs-Ayes, Nathanial Bruss-Ayes, Brooks McCandlish- Ayes, Denise Renk- Ayes

Meeting Adjourned at 7:44pm

Draft Minutes written and submitted by

Katie Olohan, Zoning Board Secretary