Economic Development Committee Minutes 08.13.20



AUGUST 13th, 2020

The meeting was opened at 6:09

Present: Scott McCaskill (Chair), Jim Bibbo, Stan Ovrevik, Barb Bridgewater, Laurie Colburn (6:30pm) and Matt Monahan, from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning, were present

  • COVID 19 Declaration was read by the Chair.
  • Roll call attendance. All indicated no other people present, with the exception of Stan’s wife, Odo Ovrevik, who was present.
  • Recap last meeting which was not held due to a lack of a quorum.
  • The Committee discussed whether a 4th Of July Fireworks was being moved to September. Scott believes this has been postponed and the Committee will not pursue attempts to promote the event at this time.
  • Halloween Project Planning – Scott suggested this be put off until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Committee discussed the direction of the EDC; Concerns were raised regarding business recent business closures and how the EDC could attract interest to the areas to support economic growth. Subjects discussed were:
  • Internet and cell coverage still need to be expanded. large coverage town-wide, especially with the potential post-COVID urban flight. Matt will follow up on the State’s Broadband Expansion initiative.
  • Stan expressed that more infrastructure is needed to promote industry and Scott questioned what types of industry the Committee should target. Matt will review data for a target industry analysis. A few ideas were discussed from a recreational perspective, with a bike shop and small golf course as items the Committee felt would be good options to potentially solicit.
  • Laurie asked about communicating with property owners of vacant buildings downtown and the status of establishing an ERZ tax zone. Follow up pending.
  • The Committee also discussed establishing a web page focused on economic development and establishing a guide on “Doing Business in Bradford”. Matt will have Katie, CNHRP, follow up with Laurie and Karen on next steps.
  • Scott discussed understanding what Zoning Ordinances would impact potential industries. Laurie alerted the Committee that the Planning Board will be discussing short term objectives from the Master Plan on September 8th and encouraged the Committee to attend as a Table of Uses was on the Master Plan objectives and she felt that expressing support to pursue this objective would be beneficial as it would clearly outline what types of land uses would be supported and make it easier for property owners to understand Bradford when looking to purchase property whether for business or residential pursuits.
  • The Committee discussed drafting a “Why Come to Bradford” type document. Matt will provide some examples down in other communities and Laurie will produce a 1st draft document for discussion.

Motion: Scott McCaskill motioned to adjourn at 7:13pm

Second: Stan Ovrevik

Decision: All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm.

The next Economic Development Meeting will be held September 10th at 6:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn.