Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
August 18, 2020, 7pm outside at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard. Also present Ken Milender, representing Warner River Local Advisory Committee.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 7/21/20 were reviewed. A motion was made by Meg to accept the draft report, seconded by Patty, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: George has been reimbursed for the screws. Currently there is $507.86 remaining in this year’s budget.
Warner River Corridor Draft Management Plan: Ken Milender requested any comments on goals and recommended actions presented in the draft copy of the river corridor management for Bradford. Ann expressed concern over the potential conflict with recreation and conservation with the rail trail, which has seen much use in Bradford as well as Warner. Flooding r/t the reversal of Melvin Brook in the spring and with heavy rain, in addition to increased development along the river corridor (such as Chivers, Breezy Hill Storage, Naughtons and Twigs) are all issues that need to be addressed in the management plan. Once the management plan is finalized, it will need DES approval and then adoption by all 5 towns. The goal is to have the Warner River Management Plan become an appendix to each town’s Master Plan. Ken stressed the importance of broad oversight for issues affecting the Warner River watershed, as the LAC is only involved with the 1/4 mile corridor on either side of the river.
Naughton Recycling: BCC and LAC letters of concern were sent to the Planning Board. The LAC stressed need for a storm water management plan and pollution plan, because the site is within the designated river corridor. A professional engineer would need to be hired for this. In addition, the BCC expressed concern for the need of updating site plans with building permits. A site walk is scheduled Tuesday 8/25 at 5:30. A public hearing will take place Tuesday 9/01 at 7pm. Brooks made a motion to authorize Ann to draft comments to the PB after the site walk, but before the public hearing. Meg seconded, all were in favor. Issues of concern include a storm water management plan included with the site plan, culvert placement, water drainage from dumpster cleaning, and solid waste within the well radius on Map 6/Lot 99.
American Farmland Trust: A free five-part series online webinar workshop is being presented in August and September to provide introductory level, skill building resources, guidance and networking to support farms and farmers in northern New England. More information is available at
Map 18/Lot13 Breezy Hill Road: More tree cutting and destumping has apparently taken place on this sloping Massasecum lakeshore property, beyond what was permitted in the original application. A complaint will be made to Shoreland Protection by Ann.
Langley Lots:The deed transfer of two wetand lots behind Pearl Town Forest to the stewardship of the BCC is in process. Appraiser George Lamprey has done an evaluation for the landowner, and Brackett Scheffy has prepared a deed of transfer.
Fairgrounds Road/Turco: the case continues to move forward toward cleanup of this property.
Mud Season Road Closure: Doug sent BCC members a list of possible Class VI roads for closure during mud season. Roads with residential homes were excluded at this time. Brooks made a motion to authorize Doug to approach Steve Hall about seasonal closure of certain Class VI roads during a designated mud season, and offer assistance from the BCC if needed.
State of NH: It has been reported that a picnic table at the Bradford Pines is missing. The lightening cable for a Tall Pine will be replaced by the State. Ann will fill out a Trail Wetland Notification Permit for timber bridge construction in Low State Forest and send to the DES. A possible workday for construction will be in September or October.
Bradford Bog: The Beaton family has been busy at the Bog. George has replaced 34 planks, and Laura and Sandra have taken care of vegetation trimming along the walkway. Many thanks to all of the Beaton Clan on Howlett Rd! The platform stairs are completed, with a heap of thanks to George, Bob, Bill, Laura and Ann.
Warner Conservation Commission ARMs Grant: Brooks made a motion for Ann to draft a letter of support for culvert replacement to the WCC through an Aquatic Resource Mitigation grant. Seconded by Doug, unanimously approved.
West Meadow Road Map 5/Lot 99.:This is a town owned 5 acre wetland property. Ann will advise the Select Board to sell this land to the abutter, who has expressed interest in purchasing.
Bradford Champion Trees: George continues his quest to find big trees. The Bog is in the running for the county champion Tamarack, Sandra Beaton has the county champion Aspen, and Bob Blank the state champ Pear Tree.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next meeting will be on Tuesday September 15, 2020, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary