Selectmen’s Agenda 09.14.20

Instructions to connect to the meeting via ZOOM are here

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:


  1. Sound Solution Proposal for Meeting Room – Andrew Pinard
  2. Historical Society – Tracey Quigley
  3. Conservation Commission – Langley property
  4. CAP Opening for Meal Service – Elizabeth Labbe
  5. Highway Dept Update – speed study, DOT 10-year plan, paving, Cochran Hill
  6. Fire Dept Update

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the August 24th and September 8th meetings
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Fuel Bid Update
  4. Town Hall Update – painting, records storage
  5. Davis Road Complaint Update
  6. Revenues and Expenses
  7. 2021 Budget Timeline

New Business:

  1. Payroll Tax Deferral
  2. SB-2
  3. Three – Five Person Select Board
  4. Accept Donations for Town Signs
  5. Sign GOFERR Grant Application
  6. Sign Junkyard Permit (Renewal)
  7. Sign Solar Exemption
  8. Sign PSNH Abatement Recommendation
  9. Sign Notice of Discontinuance

Public Input:

Non-Public Session     per RSA 91-A:3II (c)

Pending Issues and Topics for Future Meetings:

  1. Purchasing Policy
  2. Contracts

Upcoming meeting:    September 21, 2020