Conservation Commission Minutes 10.20.20

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Minutes October 20, 2020, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library and via Zoom
Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.

Appearance: Ausbon Sargent representatives Anne Payeur (Stewardship Manager) and Andy Deegan (Land Protection Specialist) to discuss the proposed Abenaki Project at the Bradford Springs hotel site. Andy expressed support for the vision of the project as long as it would be compliant with the conservation easement on the property. Education programs and workshops would be permissible if there was no fee charged for the experience. A donation could be encouraged, as well as selling of wares and handicrafts, as the monetary expense is not a requirement for attendance. The construction of an open air meeting area would be permissible, but any boardwalk construction plans to the Spring site would need study and approval by DES and ASLPT. Limited foraging of medicinal plants would be sanctioned. In summary, what is needed is a Memorandum of Understanding between the town of Bradford and the Abenaki Trails Project. The role of ASLPT is to ensure that it is in agreement with the terms of the easement on the Bog, and that White Cedar and native plants are protected. The Abenaki Project has hired an architectural landscape design firm to draw up plans for the site, which will be shared and discussed
when completed.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 9/15/20 were reviewed. A motion was made by Meg to accept the draft report, seconded by George, and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The BCC 2021 budget request is due to the town on 10/23. Meg reported that there is $422 remaining in the 2020 budget, of which $202 will be dedicated for Warner River signage. Brooks suggested printing more maps ($85/100), with the remaining $135 of the 2020 budget deposited in the Land Protection Fund. Brooks made a motion to request $900 for the 2021 budget, Nathanial seconded with unanimous approval.
Selectboard: A complaint was made to the town regarding a beaver dam on Melvin Brook, the outlet of Lake Massasecum. Ann and George investigated. According to RSA 210:9, a beaver dam may be removed by a town, landowner or licensed trapper. Patty reported observing no beaver activity in that area for the past 6 months.

Zoning Board: Map 23/Lot 15 seeks a variance for a two car garage on a Lake Massasecum Ave lot less than 1⁄2 acre in size. Map 7/Lot 76 seeks a variance for house construction on a wet 1.93 acre lot in a designated floodplain off of Davis Rd. Ann and Nathanial attended the site walk of this latter application. Actual buildable area is severely restricted due to wet soils, so a variance to dismiss setback requirements is requested. BCC members discussed the arguments expressed by the applicant for variance approval at length, and no redeeming value could be found in the construction of this house in a designated floodplain area in close proximity to Lake Massasecum. Ann will draft comments to the ZBA and submit by 10/24.

Planning Board: Naughton Recycling has withdrawn the application for Map 3/Lot 109A . The application for Map 6/Lot 99 is active. BCC concerns remain regarding solid waste within the well radius on this lot and water drainage from dumpster cleaning, as this lot is within the shoreland protection zone.
Also brought before the PB is a complaint by abutters of the Bradford/Newbury Fish and Game Club of increased shooting activity (map 2, Lots 110 and 111), and signage stating the shooting range is open. The PB is seeking to include town council in further discussion on whether a site plan is required for these lots, or if they are grandfathered for this activity.
Map 16, Lot 35, Steele Road: Application for expansion of decks, enlargement of a utility shed and construction of retaining walls on this Lake Todd property. The owner has plans for replacing lawn with native plants. There is concern by BCC regarding the increase in impervious surfaces on this lakefront site. Comments are due to DES by 10/23. Ann will send to the Warner River LAC also.

Adopt-A-Road: Fall 2020 road monitoring reports are being undertaken and updates requested by 11/12/20. Doug reported that Class VI mud season road closures have been confirmed with the town road agent and signs will be posted at appropriate times. Doug also asked for consideration of signage at the Bradford town line on County Rd, Liberty Hill Rd and Carter Hill Rd to control entry of ATVs from surrounding towns. Doug will further investigate.

Langley Deed: The deed transfer of theses two wetland lots behind Pearl Town Forest to the stewardship of the BCC was passed by the town council. Town offices will do the title search.

Low State Forest: The Trail Wetland Notification for the Knight’s Hill Trail bridge construction is completed. A trail work day will take place Sunday, November 1 at 9am. Volunteer information will be posted on Facebook, and Ann will send out e-mails.

Town Property Land Review: Ann will approach Selectboard regarding the offering of a West Meadow Road wet lot for sale to an abutter.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. Next meeting Tuesday 11/17/20 at BML and Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary