Planning Board Site Walk Minutes Map 10 Lot 6

                Planning Board, Bradford NH

                   Draft of Site Walk Minutes

                   November 8th, 2020

Site walk at map 10 lot 6

Site walk began at 3:10

Those in attendance: Carol Troy planning board vice chair, Mike Bauer representing the owner.

Things of interest:

 1. wetlands well marked; Mike Bauer noted that there is never any water there only vegetation growing would indicate that it’s a wetland area.

2. At a previous meeting Sonny Harris brought up the existence of an old well on the property. Mike stated that the well has not been used in over 50 years and has no electricity to it, also no rights or easements associated with it.

3. Both driveways were easy to see. One will be used for lot 2 coming off of Rowe Mountain Road and the other for lot 1 is entering from Jewett road.

Things outstanding in the last meeting: deed description. Mike now has that and gave a copy for the public hearing on Tuesday Nov 10.

Site walk ended at 3:35

Carol Troy