Budget Committee Minutes 11.19.20


Budget Committee Draft Meeting Minutes

November 19th, 2020 6:30pm

134 East Main Street Bradford, NH 03221 & Via Zoom

Members: Laurie Colburn (Chair), Mark Fournier (Vice-Chair), Marlene Freyler (Select Board Rep), Justin Dohrn, Chris Frey, Doug Southard.

Members Absent: Tim McKenna

Karen Hambleton (Town Administrator) was present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business: None

Receipt of Correspondence:

  1. Review and consideration of the November 5th, 2020 meeting minutes.

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to approve the minutes as written.

Second:  Mark Fournier

Decision: 6-0 in favor

New Business:

  1. Review of the 2021 Budgets for the following departments:

Transfer Station:  Unable to attend.

Laurie Colburn explained the various columns on the budget sheet.

The Budget Committee discussed the two percent budget increase for employee services.

Highway Department 2021 Operating Spreadsheet:

  • Steve Hall was present.The Highway Department Budget was reviewed. The overtime budget was decreased. Health Insurance costs increased approximately by 6 percent. Dental and life insurance remained flat.
  • An explanation of contract services was given; the services include sweepers, associated costs for mowers are roughly $20k, Cleaning of the gutters. Blasting of rocks was done in house. No future projects are anticipated as of yet. A place holder of $500.00 will be put in the line item.
  • The Repair and Maintenance Bridges line item was reviewed. An expense of $2,900.00 will be used in the upcoming weeks for road work. Deer Valley Road has a culvert in need of repair with an estimate between $200k-600k.
  • The Repair Maintenance Road column is a new line item. This line item is to keep track of the costs for transporting heavy equipment.
  • A clothing allowance was discussed in regards to the uniforms line item.
  • Salt and spring repairs budgeted for $25k.
  • The road signs line item was discussed; The signs are not in compliance with the state. Posts have been ordered for the class six road postings for mud season.
  • Equipment fuel goes out to bid; the new locked in rate is what is presented on the budget for the upcoming year.
  • The repair and maintenance building costs line item have $3,500 budgeted. The mold mitigation was a separate warrant article.

Doug Southard expressed trying to get within a 2 percent range and if the budget was cut what could the department go without. The Budget Committee discussed the contract services. Steve explained identifying road sweeping and mowing, catch basins and cleaning.  The Budget Committee proposed renting the equipment and doing the work in house. Steve explained the cost would be about the same.

Police Department:

Ed Shaughnessy was present on behalf of the Police Department.  The Police Department will be moving to four full time positions. There will be a 2-3-year increase with the plan that when the Police Chief retires that money would drop back down because that salary would be gone. Currently the Police Department has three full time officers and two part time officers.

  • Ed explained the anticipated costs. The Budget Committee asked if possible, for surrounding towns costs with a similar number of employees.
  • The Police Secretary line item is budgeted for 12 ½ hours a week.
  • The New cruiser will be coming in a couple of weeks.
  • On call wages went down because of the full timer filling in the gap for on call services.
  • Administration should not have come down, this probably occurred because the stipends had been added in, they were put back into the line items to offset.
  • Overtime is increasing slightly, court is budgeted for, three sick days are budgeted for.
  • Hospital blood draw, each charge is approximately 100 dollars.
  • Dispatch bill and cellular service were discussed.
  • The copier was a priority.
  • Police Equipment received a grant and were reimbursed. The duty ammunition was recently purchased to replenish ammunition.
  • Doug Southard questioned the 11 percent increase on the budget with a 2 percent inflation rate. A detailed response is not needed now.


  • Wages were reviewed,
  • A warrant article for $12-15k for the water. Marlene Freyler explained that the last time it was done was in 1951. 

Receipt of Information or Proposals:  

  • Department Head review scheduled dates- December 3rd, 2020: Parks and Recreation, The Library and The Town Clerk.

Future Business:

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for December 3rd, 2020.

Key Dates:

  • Public Hearing target, on or before February 4th
  • Friday, February 12th, last day to hold Public Hearing on the Budget
  • Wednesday February 17th, last day to present budget to Selectmen for posting in the Warrant

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 8:17pm.

Second: Doug Southard

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Adjournment 8:17pm

Draft Minutes written and submitted by

Katie Olohan