Selectmen’s Minutes 12.28.20

Select Board Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Michael James (joined at 7:13pm via ZOOM) and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


  • Devin Pendleton attended on behalf of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Devin provided the Board with updated bylaws based upon the original Parks & Recreation bylaws. One of the largest changes is in membership, which is defined as a three-year term. The bylaws also clarify appointments as well as roles and responsibilities.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adopt the recommended by-laws

Second: Marlene Freyler

  Decision: 2-0

  • Lieutenant Edward Shaughnessy appeared to provide an update on the Police Department. He reviewed the Departments full-time and part-time positions as well as the volume of activity the Department is managing. He also reviewed the budget which has approximately 5% remaining. Lieutenant Shaughnessy discussed specific projects the department is working on. He also shared that the department is undergoing weekly COVID-19 testing and all Police Dept employees are signed up to receive the vaccine. All vehicles are running well and there are no vehicle issues. A new SUV has been placed in service; the old cruiser is being retired and will be sent to auction.
  • Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, provided a Highway Department update. Steve outlined the work recently completed by the Department. The department is putting together a vehicle status form for the Town vehicles in the Highway Dept. Steve provided the Board with an incident update with the part-time plowing employee. Steve also provided an update on the Highway Budget. A notification was placed in The Bridge reminding residents about parking restrictions as well as snow removal practices. Steve asked the Board how they would like him to address violation issues. The Board will draft a letter asking them to comply with the ordinance and include a copy of the ordinance. The Board discussed various plowing requests made by folks in Town regarding plowing or winter maintenance on Class V Seasonal or roads not maintained by the Town. Steve’s largest concern is liability for the Town should an issue arise. Specific to South Ridge, Steve recommended the Solitude Ridge Homeowners Association revisit their contract and stated that a significant amount of work would be needed to bring the road up to Town standards. The Board recommended the Solitude Ridge Homeowners Association submit a Petition Warrant Article and have the Town vote on whether to take on the maintenance. Jason Carter acknowledged the next steps to seek relief on the road expense. Jason asked about plowing at the intersection of Hogg Hill and Marshall Hill Road. Steve said they had not plowed the full intersection for the past few years. Jason also asked about using salt versus sand as well as the volume of sanding done. He would like to see some more frugalness in sanding. Steve would like to sit down with the Select Board to review standard operating procedures. He feels that anything is possible but the Town needs to be aware of the procedure so the expectation is clear. Michael echoed that he would like to see if the amount of sand used can be reduced. The Board will plan to review the Snow Removal SOP’s on January 11th, 2021.

Regular and Old Business:

  • Minutes from December 7th meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept the minutes of December 7th, 2020.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Account Payables and the Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Jason shared some additional research on the SB-2 Town Meeting forum. Jason is no longer in favor of the format given that the members on the Board as well as the communication forums in the future could change. Michael agreed that if not done right there could be a negative impact. Jason would really like to get more communication and engagement to share information on the importance of Town Meeting and the awareness of the process in the community. Karen shared that some towns have list-serves where residents can sign up and get an email targeted at sharing town information. Karen will follow up on the process and cost.
  • The Board discussed Town Meeting and what options have been outlined by the State by emergency orders that allow for social distancing options for Town Meeting.

New Business:

  • The Board discussed RSA 674:51 which outlines that the building code ordinance needs to be updated through a Warrant Article at Town Meeting. The Board would like to have the legal counsel review whether the Select Board can revoke the existing ordinance, despite whether or not a new ordinance is ready to be presented.
  • The Board has eliminated the Building Inspector role. Life Safety Inspections will be conducted by the Fire Department. As a result, there will be changes to the building inspection process. The Board feels that there will be more benefit to the Town to have a part-time Zoning Administrator position. Marlene would like to understand what the Planning Board’s expectations are with the role that they have proposed. Karen suggested that the Planning Board Chair, or representative, attend a Board meeting. Michael will share the Planning Board list of objectives for the role as soon as it is available. Jason has suggested that the role will review building permits for Zoning Compliance. Commercial Certificates of Occupancy would be issued by the Fire Department. In the interim, Jason recommended that Building Permits be submitted to the Select Board and the Board will review to identify if any Zoning concerns exist. Jason also outlined conducting a review of the permit fees. The Board discussed having the Town remove itself from the Septic Approval process and go directly to the State. The Board also agreed that there was no approval needed from the Town regarding electric service. A letter was reviewed outlining the building permit process for residents with existing building permits. The Board also discussed engaging the Fire Chief regarding inspection requirements.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to opt out of the Town’s requirement for approval of septic designs.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen recommended the Board re-encumber unspent funds designated for the Fire Chief salary in 2019 per Article 23.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to encumber unspent funds designated for the Fire Chief salary in 2019 per Article 23.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen also recommended the Board encumber $7,500 from the operating budget designated to cover the Fire Chief salary from January 1st, 2020 through Town Meeting.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to encumber $7,500 from the operating budget designated to cover the Fire Chief salary from January 1st, 2020 through Town Meeting.

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board accepted $45 in donations for new Town signs.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept $45 in donations for the Town Sign replacement project.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board accepted $11,341.34 in surplus funds for 2020 from HealthTrust.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept $11,341.34 in surplus funds from HealthTrust.

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  •  The Board signed HealthTrust Refund memo to employees.
  • The Board signed a Memo for Trust Fund Deposits in the amount of $487,500.
  • Tax refunds were signed for properties that were overbilled.
  • A Timber Tax Warrant was signed for Map 10/Lot 43.
  • The Board signed Personal Action Forms.
  • The Board signed a Position Certification form for NH Retirement.
  • The Board signed the Medical Resource Hospital/Pre-Hospital Service Agreement.

Public Input:

  • Karen shared the gratitude expressed by Town employees for gift cards that were distributed.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public per RSA 91A-3:II (l) at 8:38pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to public session at 8:53pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn at 8:53pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday January 11th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary