Budget Committee Minutes 01.07.21

Via Zoom

Members: Laurie Colburn (Chair joined at 6:58pm), Mark Fournier (Vice Chair), Chris Frey, Doug Southard, Tim Mckenna and Select Board representative Marlene, Freyler

Absent: Justin Dohrn

Karen Hambleton (Town Administrator) was present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:43 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business: None

Receipt of Correspondence:

Review and consideration of the December 17th, 2020 meeting minutes.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to approve the minutes as written.

Second:  Marlene Freyler

Decision: 5-0 in favor

New Business:

  • Lois Kilnapp presented the Transfer Station budget, explaining increases in the telephone (internet) and electricity lines. She also explained her request for equipment fuel which is approximately twice what was spent in 2020. She also updated the Committee on pending changes being discussed with the Select Board regarding increasing waste disposal fees.

Solid Waste Collection request of $90,085. The Select Board recommended $90,000.

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to recommend the Solid Waste Collection budget at $90,000.

Second:  Laurie Colburn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Solid Waste Disposal request of $22,800. The Select Board recommended $22,300.

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to recommend the Solid Waste Disposal budget at $22,300.

Second:  Laurie Colburn

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • Pam Bruss appeared on behalf of the Planning Board to review the budget request for 2021. There is a request to increase the amount of the Circuit Rider budget, for Central New Hampshire Regional Planning, from $825 to $12,000. The volunteer board is seeing an increase in the volume of activity and has a need for additional support to help move Bradford forward. Pam outlined several key initiatives that the Board should under take but does not have the resources to accomplish.
    • Coordination and follow-up phone calls with applicants, surveyors, engineers, etc.
    • Review applications for completeness, red flags, permits needed etc.
    • Assist Planning Board Secretary and help provide training, updating checklists, guidelines, applications etc. which are very out of date. 
    • Assist in implementation of Master Plan recommendations. 
    • Attendance at Planning Board meetings as needed. Assist with orderly meetings, process and procedures. 
    • This allows dedicated access to a Planner for 20 hours a month and the Board does not have to use it all if the Board does not need the support.
    • The agreement can also be terminated at any time and covers a nine-month period of time.

The Committee asked whether this could be supported by increasing hours for a Town Employee. Several items outlined are activities that require experience and education in Community Planning. Feedback Pam has received is that finding a part-time Planner has been difficult for other communities, and the cost of employing that level of resource would likely exceed the amount proposed.

Pam reviewed the remaining Planning Board budget line items as well. Marlene asked whether the Board could reduce their amount as the budget was underspent in 2020 compared to the budget allocated. Conferences were underspent as a result of COVID and Pam expressed this budget line should remain as the conferences are a main source of training and education for Board members. The 2020 Circuit Rider budget was underspent due to a lack of availability of planners. The revised agreement proposed ensures that Planner hours are available to the Board in 2021. Jason Allen expressed support of the $12,000 Circuit Rider Expense line.

The Budget Committee supported penciling in a recommendation of $21,175.

  • Laurie asked Steve Hall, the Town Road Agent, what it would mean if the Committee asked him to keep the Highway Department’s budget flat to 2020. He will need to review and pointed out that one of the increases is in Repair & Maintenance for equipment driven by aging equipment. The Select Board had outlined a decrease of $45,000 from the requested budget, $20,000 less than the 2020 budget amount. Tim asked where the Board felt that decrease would come from. Steve was unsure as it had not been discussed with him. Karen outlined that the Board felt there was a lot accomplished in 2020 that would not be needed in 2021. Jason outlined that the $520,000 was based upon the spending done in 2019 and feels that the Highway Department can accomplish what is needed within that amount. Chris Frey asked about employees in 2019. There were 4 full-time and 1 part-time employees. Part-time wages in 2021 are increasing to cover vacation time from the existing personnel. The Committee discussed the lines that have increased; Pam Bruss asked why Contract Services has had a large increase. Steve responded this supports mowing, street sweeping and gutter cleaning. If this is done annually it is about $25,000 which is the amount budgeted. Gravel expenses also increased in 2020 because the Town needed to supplement gravel through external purchases. Equipment repairs were also discussed. This line seems to increase and decrease year over year. Pam Bruss mentioned that the Capital Improvement Program calls for saving money to support repairs and equipment replacement. Laurie asked about the balance in the 2015 Town Equipment Major Repairs fund. Doug questioned whether there is enough in the 2021 General budget request. He is concerned that, given the spending trends, the request is insufficient. Chris Frey asked about the amount being saved into the 2020 Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve. Steve outlined that there may be some savings in Equipment Fuel expense and Road Patch work. The Committee penciled in $550,000. Steve was asked to provide feedback on whether he felt he could manage within that amount which is a reduction of approximately $15,000.

Karen outlined that the Building Inspector position was eliminated and may provide a reduction in the overall budget. She provided the Committee a recap of the situation that is being reviewed by the Select Board. Jason provided feedback on the building permit process.

  • The Committee discussed the Police Department budget. The members were in support of the requested amount but overall are concern about an increase of 6%-7% which is currently proposed in the overall General Budget request. Pam Bruss asked if the Committee has considered the increased tax revenue that will be generated by the increased number of building permits. The Committee has not, although Karen pointed out that some of the increase in valuation would have been included in the 2020 revaluation, and additional revenue could be expected in 2021 as these new buildings are completed. Doug again expressed concern that inflation is not rising at the same rate as the General budget request. Lieutenant Ed Shaughnessy, on behalf of the Police Department, spoke about some of the year over year increases in the Police Department. The Department has seen increases driven by increasing responsibilities as well as an equity adjustment. The Department is also focused on retaining and growing its employees to the benefit of the Town. The Committee penciled in $586,900.
  • The Committee reviewed the remaining budget categories and penciled in their thoughts on an initial budget amount:
    • Executive request of $204,887, Select Board recommended it stay flat at $192,000. Jason outlined that the hours increased in 2020 and that the 2020 actuals were $200,000. The Committee penciled in $204,000.
    • Election, Registration & Vital Statistics request of $5,200, Select Board recommended $5,200. The Committee penciled in $5,200.
    • Financial Administration request of $104,963, recommended it be fairly flat at $105,000. Laurie felt that the line could be reduced by $5,000 due to the part-time wages trend. The Committee penciled in $101,000. Jason pointed out that the amount was reduced last year and raised on the floor.
    • Revaluation of Property request of $29,573. The Select Board recommendation was $29,000. The Committee penciled in $29,000.
    • Legal request of $55,000, The Select Board recommendation was $45,000. The Committee asked for some supporting documentation. The actuals for 2020 are projected to exceed $60,000. Chris asked about Warrant Articles; he would like to see the General Budget and Warrant amounts together; he will get them from the office. Jason outlined that some of the lawsuits the Town is engaged in should be wrapped up. He added that the Board had reviewed several contracts and procedures with legal in 2020 and felt the legal funding demand will be reduced in 2021. The Committee penciled in $45,000. Jason felt the Board could manage within the number.
    • Employee Benefits is a placeholder for $1. The Committee penciled in $1.
    • Planning and Zoning, the budget request is $21,175. The Committee penciled in $21,175. 
    • General Government Buildings request of $85,530. The Select Board recommended $80,000. Chris asked whether there was opportunity to reduce any of the heating related costs. The Committee penciled in $75,000 outlining a reduction in the Facilities Supervisor role.
    • The Cemetery request of $25,100. The Select Board recommended $25,000. The Budget Committee penciled in $25,000. Chris asked about the status of a new landscaping contract and was told the bid reviews will be done by the beginning of the following week. An update on the bid will be available for the next Budget Committee meeting.
    • Insurances request of $82,000. The Select Board recommended at $82,000. The Committee penciled in $82,000.
    • Other General Government of $7,800. The Select Board recommended $7,700. The Budget Committee recommended $7,800.
    • Fire Department request of $177,300. The Select Board recommended $165,000. Laurie asked whether there was anything specific that drove the decrease. Nothing was identified. Laurie suggested the department try to work within a 2% increase which would be $158,000. 2020 included some catch up in equipment repairs and Laurie also felt the Select Board had access to unanticipated funds that could be utilized to address some of the building repairs proposed for 2021. The Committee penciled in $158,000 and will ask the Fire Chief to outline the impact of managing within $158,000.
    • Chris provided a calculation on an increase of $3.2m in property valuation, driven by increased valuation for new building permits. Increase revenue would be $28,480, based upon an $8.90 municipal tax rate
    • Rescue Squad request of $11,580. The Select Board recommended $11,280. The Committee penciled in $11,000. The Committee would ask the department to identify any issues if they feel this amount is too tight.
    • Rescue Contract Services request of $62,800. The Select Board recommended $62,800. The Budget Committee penciled in $62,800. Tim asked about the difference between paid and actuals. This is the contract with Henniker and is based upon the revenue generated by billing insurance and is difficult to predict.
    • Building Department – Code Enforcement request of $24,950. The Select Board recommended $20,000. Jason outlined that the Town would still need to leverage this line to compensate a Zoning administrator. Laurie felt the Board should motion on the floor to identify this amount based upon a rate volume, scope of work and responsibilities assessment. The Committee penciled in $18,300 but felt that $15,000 maybe be more appropriate. They will follow up with the Select Board at the next meeting.
    • Emergency Management request if $1,000. The Select Board recommended $1,000. This line has been budgeted at $1,000 for the last several years. The Committee penciled in $500.
    • The Bridges line is a placeholder of $1. The Committee penciled in $1.
    • Street Lighting request of $2,600. The Select Board recommended $2,600. The Budget Committee penciled in $2,600.
    • Inoculations request of $1, left at $1.
    • Welfare request of $7,411. The Select Board recommended $7,400. The Budget Committee penciled in $7,400.
    • Welfare Payments request of $30,000. The Select Board recommended $30,000. The Budget Committee penciled in $30,000.
    • Parks & Recreation request of $17,750. The Select Board recommended $23,150. The Committee recommended $11,750. This reduced recommendation does not include $4,000 for a French’s Park attendant. Laurie and Marlene felt the $4,000 should be put on a Warrant Article for the Town to vote on rather than be included in the General Budget. The Select Board also recommended moving $5,200 from Patriotic Purposes into the Parks & Recreation line so that the Parks & Rec provide oversight of the Patriotic purposes. There was some back and forth on where the $5,200 should sit. Laurie would like to see the line stay flat and also see whether there are opportunities to leverage some of the trust funds associated with Parks & Rec program support. Tim was supportive of moving the $5,200 so that if there were any funds where leftover Parks & Rec could utilize that funding.
    • Library request of $81,000. The Select Board recommended $81,000. Laurie recommended the Committee pencil in $79,000, based upon a keeping the salary adjust at a 2% increase and a reduction in 2021 in electricity as a result of the LED lighting project completed in 2020. Jason expressed concern in reducing services that support the young families in Town. The Committee penciled in $81,000.
    • Patriotic Purposes request of $18,000. Laurie recommended taking this line to $10,000 based upon the uncertainty of COVID in 2021 and discussions regarding changing the nature or timing of a Town wide event due to waning participation and competing events in other communities. The Select Board recommended $12,600. Jason felt the Town would at least do fireworks in 2021, which would be at least $13,000. Tim and Marlene felt it was important to keep the funding to support Town and family events in Town. The Committee penciled in $18,000.
    • Community Center request of $22,760. The Select Board recommended $22,000. The Committee penciled in $22,000.
    • Other Conservation request of $900. The Select Board recommended $900. Tim suggested $1,000. The Committee penciled in $1,000.
    • Long Term Notes request of $80,840. The Select Board recommended $80,840, this covers the Town Hall and Road Bonds. The Committee penciled in $80,840. Karen is researching whether any opportunity exists to negotiate a lower rate.
    • Interest on TAN Notes request of $5,000. The Select Board recommended $5,000. The Committee penciled in $5,000.
    • Total General Budget request of $2,430,342.44[t1] . The Select Board recommended $2,343,673, 4.4% increase year over year. The Committee penciled in a total budget recommendation of $2,354,617, a 4.9% increase over 2020.
  • The Board discussed follow up items and the upcoming meeting schedule. They will plan to vote on their recommendations January 21st, 2021. If needed, they will schedule one additional meeting prior to the Public Hearing. Warrant Articles should be available after the next Select Board meeting scheduled for January 11th, 2021. Laurie will prepare an overview of the all of the factors contributing to the tax rate for review at the next meeting. The Committee will plan to meet on January 28th, 2021 if needed.

Future Business

  • The next Budget Committee meeting will be January 21th, 2021.

Motion: Mark Fournier motioned to adjourn at 9:38pm

Second: Laurie Colburn

Vote: 6-0

Key Dates:

  • Public Hearing target, on or before February 4th
  • Friday, February 12th, last day to hold Public Hearing on the Budget
  • Wednesday February 17th, last day to present budget to Selectmen for posting in the Warrant

Draft Minutes written and submitted by Laurie Colburn