Planning Board Minutes 03.09.21

Planning board draft minutes Bradford NH

March 9 2021

Meeting called to order 7:02 PM

Members present Pam Bruss Chair, Carol Troy Vice Chair, Carol Meise, Mel Piefel, Tom Dunn,  Sonny Harris seated for Laurie Coburn, Laurie Coburn came in at 7:11

Pledge of Allegiance

Carol Meise motion to approve minutes from February 23 2021, Mel Piefle second

Pam Bruss suggests changing the agenda so 5 acres consultation can go first.  Carol Troy motion, Mel Piefle second all members vote yes.

5 acres would like to add a post and beam 3 sided building with clear roof for flowers, 1248 sq ft,  and a 650 sq ft cover for hay and shavings.  This requires a modified site plan.  Board agrees to expedite public hearing for the first meeting in April.  

Conservation commission to discuss clarification of zoning and for conservation overlays in Bradfords development zones. Conservation overlays would call for protective zoning in specific areas in order to conserve the resources in question.

These areas are:

High Yield Aquifers

Surface water/watersheds

Prime agricultural soils and soils of statewide significance

Ridgeline protection overlay

Other Zoning Ordinance Considerations:

Wildlife habitat

Here Mel asked about forestry in order to enhance wildlife, Brooks gave an explanation of which town lands are harvested and why.

Conservation District

A new lake district

The Lake district brought much discussion on how to protect Lake Massacecum from further water quality degradation due to nutrient runoff and sedimentation from shoreline development and wildlife habitat loss from the same.  The Conservation commission suggests the Planning Board consider what lot sizes should be available for building, if lot mergers should occur for undersized lots and define what important lake attributes should be considered when looking at zoning variances. 

Ann Eldridge talked about supporting agriculture in all areas of town.  Pam talked about balancing the needs of farms with non farming neighbors.  This can be done through zoning.

Table of uses

Matt from CNHRP discussed a potential table of uses for zoning.  Brooks brought up that some of the downtown lots would be better than others for certain kinds of development based on their location to aquifers.  

Matt presented an example of a table of uses with our zoning areas and will come back with a more developed one, including conservation overlays  for us to discuss in April. 

Mel brought up the Tall Pines area and said she had reached out to RHC for help in doing some clean up of the area.

Katie Olan wants to become an alternate for the Planning Board and we will consider her request next meeting.

The owners of Loon Island in lake Massasecum want to develop it with a camp.

Map 3 lot 94 has had 2 developers looking at the old cluster development.  This plan is no longer valid and any developer of this lot would have to go through the complete site plan process.

Meeting called to a close at 8;55 Carol Troy, Second Carol Meise

All members approved.