Economic Development Committee Minutes 04.08.21

The meeting convened at 6:12 PM. Members present were Scott McCaskill, Matt Monahan (CNHRPC), Stan Orevik, Mel Pfeifle, and Laurie Colburn. Also present were Barbara Bridgewater and Kelby Heffner.

Mel forwarded an email from Casey Brennen, of the local snowmobile club, containing a report on the economic impacts of snowmobiling. The email will be forwarded to all present.

The Business Directory/Trail Map was discussed. Scott noted that the Conservation Commission already produces a trail map that we might be able to use, instead of making our own. Scott to follow up with the Conservation Commission.

Parking for trail hikers was mentioned. We will contact the police department to see what rules govern parking around trail heads and along roads near trail heads.

Stan noted that his wife Odo has started a pair of Facebook pages for Bradford, one for Bradford Businesses and one for the Bradford Community. We agreed to support this project in any way we can.

Laurie recalled how we had developed some momentum on different projects before the COVID outbreak, and how many of those projects had stalled with the advent of the outbreak. Laurie suggested that we need to regain some of this momentum.

Laurie had to leave at 6:30, and the official meeting ended then as we lost quorum.

The remaining participants discussed the ongoing development of the ERZ zones. Matt has provided samples of the applications, and maps showing the designated ERZ areas. We will need to discuss this further at a future meeting with full quorum, before submitting it to the Select Board.

Some members voiced concerns for businesses that are outside the ERZ areas, and are already here, and how we might find ways to promote patronage of those businesses. The Business Directory and the Facebook page will be a start.

Some discussion was made of our “marketing story”, but it was decided to delay that for a future meeting.

The meeting ended at 7:15.