Budget Committee Minutes 04.08.21

The Budget Committee Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Roll call – Laurie Colburn, Doug Southard, Timothy McKenna, Marlene Freyler (Select Board Representative) and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Bement Bridge Monies:

Chris Frey stated that at the upcoming Town Meeting, he is going to recommend increasing the bridge budget line to $280,000 due to the fact that the Bement Bridge construction cost is coming in higher than originally thought. It was estimated at $1.3 million but it will actually be $1.6 million. This was not brought to the Budget Committee as a warrant article. Chris said only a certain amount of money can be added to a budget during Town Meeting due to the 10% rule. Chris suggests tabling the town fire truck until next year.

Karen explained the 80/20 rule and how the entire amount of the project needs to be appropriated. Tim asked why this was not brought to the Budget Committee. Marlene said it got missed. Karen said $224,000 is actually going to be funded by the State and $56,000 will be funded by the Town. Karen said it should have been a warrant article, but was overlooked.

Laurie said there was a lot of changes being reviewed during this process, and it is not surprising that something was missed.

Review Minutes:

Motion: Marlene made a motion to accept the minutes from February 4, 2021.

Second: Doug seconded the motion.

Vote: 4-0 in favor

Other Town Meeting Topics:

Chris said he would like to increase to the Building Inspector line since the voters did not repeal the Building Code. Chris will present the topic with the current Select Board members at Town Meeting.

Laurie will speak to all of the topics and if there are specific questions, the Committee will call up the heads of those departments.

Laurie suggested meeting again at the end of June.

Motion: Marlene motioned to adjourn to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.

Second: Doug seconded the motion.

Vote: 4-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.