Planning Board Minutes 04.13.21

Present: Pam Bruss, Chairman; Carol Troy; Doug Troy; Carol Meise

Alternates Steve Chase, Sonny Harris and Katie Olohan. Also in attendance, Matt Monahan Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission representative to the Planning Board

Meeting began 7:05

Pledge of allegiance

Motion to accept minutes from March 23, 2021 from Carol Meise, second Doug Troy

Doug Troy was sworn in by the Town Clerk and will serve a one year term replacing Mel Pfeifle.

Clarified alternates  Steve Chase 1 year, Sonny Harris 2 years , Katie Olohan 3 years

Matt reviewed the work the Economic Development Committee is doing. Matt reviewed the application process and presented a visual diagram from Allentown.

Appearances:  The Chivers were on the phone to discuss preliminary plans for a lot line adjustment.

There will be a site walk at 5:30 May 11th followed by a public hearing at 7:00 May 11, 2021

Meeting closed at 8:25