Selectmen’s Agenda 05.10.21

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  1. Cemetery Trustees – Rules and Regulations
  2. Town Signs – Don Moss
  3. Police Dept – Detail Rates
  4. Fire Department – Follow up from April 26th
  5. Highway – Roadside Mowing, Oakdale Road

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the April 26th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Long Term Note Expense update
  4. Code Enforcement
  5. 340 Fairgrounds Update

New Business:

  1. Planning/Zoning Secretary
  2. LED Lighting for BACC
  3. CAP Lease
  4. Bement Bridge Re-opening – June 13th
  5. Appreciation for Highway Dept
  6. Sign Tax Warrant
  7. Sign Fireworks Contract
  8. Sign Carbon Cash Back Letters
  9. Sign Pierce Road Discontinuance Letter
  10. Sign Intent to Cut Map 7 Lot 48
  11. Sign TAN transfer request
  12. Sign Property Tax Exemption
  13. Sign Personnel Action forms
  14. Sign Driveway Permit Map 5 Lot 7-1
  15. Review Building Permit Map 11 Lot 37

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II (c) & (l)