Energy Committee Minutes 04.19.21

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Reeder Moss

  • Update on the energy audit for the Library.

Town warrant article 29 passed at town meeting and contractor Rich Burns of Shakes and Shingles has been to the library to review the recommendations. He will propose their estimate for doing the work. Eversource will then need to approve it before the dates for the work can be scheduled with the town. The town will request their preferred timing for this work. When the work is completed, NH Saves will rebate 35% of the cost.

  • We need to Identify the funding sources for the other three locations as identified in the energy audits at the Highway Dept, Fire Department, and the Bradford Community Center (BAC).

Sandra is speaking with the contacts for each location to see if they wish to go forward with this work so we can begin the process with the Budget Committee. We will need to complete this by December ‘21.

  • Laura is looking into grants. The State of NH has a municipal grant program: CDFA Community Development Finance Authority. They offer funds for Energy Reduction and Clean Energy Fund. At the next KCA meeting, (5/13/21) Sandra will investigate funding availability for municipal energy projects.
  • Kathleen is moving ahead with Solar on her home and will write about it for the Bridge.

We will continue to post information and stories in the Bridge. Susan will do a brief bit on litter for May. Laura will post NH Fish and Game webinars on climate change and the impact on NH as they come along. We had 7 articles in the April Bridge as we continue to build a more public presence for the BEC. Other topics might be electric bikes (Laura)

  • Lighting audits at Highway Dept, BACC, are coming up soon through NH Saves. The library has already been through this process and installed LED lighting.
  • Goals for the future of this committee include investigating weatherization and solar alternatives for town buildings and residents. Sandra will be focusing on this in her community leadership program .
  • KCA will offer a solar presentation by Revision on zoom on April 28th for home installation information. There will presentations by two other solar companies in the coming months. Members of the committee will attend.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Reeder Moss