Selectmen’s Minutes 05.10.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Roll Call – Andrew Pinard (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


340 Fairgrounds Road Update – Karen gave an update regarding this property. She has had a couple of conversations with Michelle Magistro, the property owner. Pat Magistro gave an update and said there is no business at this location, nor is there going to be a business coming in. Pat stated there were things taken off this property that should not have been taken when the Town cleaned up the property. Karen indicated that a letter was hand-delivered to Michelle Turco (listed as the property owner, now Michelle Magistro) stating that a third-party company would be coming in to remove junk from the property. Michelle Magistro said that she has hired an attorney to look into this and is upset that items that worked should not have been taken. Karen asked if anyone at the property will be running a business in the future, and Michelle said no. Rebecca Herman said that she has been instructed by an attorney to contact the State Police the next time there is a problem since the local police do not seem to address the problems. She said that she is afraid to run by their house because the dogs at 340 Fairgrounds lunge at her. Beth Downs said she gave a letter to the local police regarding what happened to her when she went to get her mail last weekend. She said their dog came at her and she then called the police. She was told that if she does not have video or photos of the dog attacking her, there is nothing they can do. Michael Malecha said that he agreed with all his neighbors. He said that he and his wife have changed the time they walk their dogs depending on when the dogs at 340 Fairgrounds are outside because they don’t trust them. He said he does not understand what the local police are looking for and how long it will take to address this problem. Rebecca Herman asked about the process. Chief Valiquet said a written request should be sent to him. Ms. Herman asked if there is a record every time they have gone to the property. Chief Valiquet said the police have gone to the property 105 times since January 2021. Chief Valiquet said if they do not have probable cause, there is nothing they can do. He said they are trying to be proactive. He suggested that the neighbors should be documenting episodes in video or photos to show the police, and be willing to testify that they made the recording. Discussion ensued. Sandy Hodskins said her concern is the noise, and she does not know if the property owners realize how much noise resonates from the property. Stan Ovrevik from the Rosewood Country Inn agreed with the noise issue. Brooks McCandlish said there is a definition of a junk yard in the town zoning ordinances and that it is defined by the number of vehicles or things that are stored in one spot, even if it is not a business. He said RSA 236 defines this. Andrew read the RSA. Andrew thanked everyone for their discussion points.

Cemetery Trustees – Rules and Regulations – Marlene spoke to the new rules and regulations. She said they will be placed on the website and if there are any questions, folks can email her or anyone on the Cemetery Commission. She said it had been shortened and updated.

Town Signs – Don Moss – Don distributed pictures of the proposed signs. He said this has been a two-year project, and they have raised money from many donors. He showed the locations of where they are scheduled to be placed throughout the Town. He said they need State permits to place the signs on the State roads. Once the State receives the permits, they can be installed. Andrew asked if they could install a solar paneled light to show light at night. They will investigate this. Andrew mentioned he really liked the new signs.

Police Department – Detail Rates – Chief Valiquet would like to increase the detail rates from $55.85 to $58.20. He said due to the regulations of the NH Retirement System, officers can receive effectively different detail rates. He suggests that this be accounted for and that the Town’s costs be covered. Andrew said there is nothing they can do about what changes the State makes. Andrew would like some more time to think about this request. The Chief said the proposed change would take place on July 1. The Board will revisit this.

Fire Department – Follow up from April 26 – Chief LeBlanc gave an update on Engine 2. He said he looked up chapter and verse on the replacement on vehicles. After his research he said the recommended life is 20 years if it is properly functioning which Engine 2 is not. He also said that he followed up on a loaner vehicle. He said this can be done but it is normally for a short-term loan due to a catastrophic event. He said he spoke to several companies that sold used vehicles. He said we could purchase a used vehicle or get a lease but is not sure that either one of these are viable options. Mark Goldberg said Bradford and most other towns have two pumper trucks. He said that if Bradford goes out of Town for mutual aid, there is no truck that would be left in Town. He said once the vacuum test is done and fails, the rest of the tests should not happen. Chief LeBlanc said he would just like to have expert advice to see what condition the pumper is in. He said it will allow us to make a more informed decision. Andrew asked if Chief LeBlanc would be fine with investigating where the point of failure took place in the vacuum test. Chief LeBlanc said this has been what he has been asking for all along. Mark said the leaks need to be repaired and then it needs to be retested.

Motion: Andrew Pinard made a motion to spend up to $2,000 to investigate why the vacuum test failed. 

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

Highway Department – Roadside Mowing, Oakdale Road – This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the April 26th meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes with changes the change to remove the words “and end” from the sentence that reads “Andrew said the Tilley Wheeler trail is a swamp at the beginning and end of the trail.”

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and will be signed.
  • Long Term Note Expense Update – Karen said that she had miscoded something. She shared the corrected document which indicated expenses were in line with expectations.
  • Code Enforcement – Karen, Marlene and Doug Troy worked on the job description for the building inspector/code enforcement position. Andrew thanked all those involved on working on this.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the job description for the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer position.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Andrew said the recommendation was to offer the job to the previous holder of the position with the new job description. Karen will schedule a meeting with this person to discuss the updated expectations of the position.

New Business:

  • Planning/Zoning Recording Secretary – Aimee Dallas has accepted the position.
  • LED Lighting for BACC – The Town has received LED lighting recommendations for the BACC and Highway Garage. Karen said that of the $10,000 was appropriated for exterior work and LED lighting on the BACC, there is currently $4,100 left. She suggested using those funds for installing LED lighting at the BACC. The total amount of the project will be $9,700 with Eversource contributing $6,200. The remainder would be $3,501.62.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve World Energy to move ahead with the project to install LED lighting at the BACC in the amount of $9,700 in which the Town’s portion of $3,501.62 will come from the exterior building renovation appropriation in 2019.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • CAP Lease – Karen is happy with the contract. Andrew asked what the current lease to CAP is and Karen replied it is $750/month.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to present the lease to CAP for negotiations.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Bement Bridge Re-opening on June 13 – There was discussion about what could be done with the celebration. Karen has talked to the Kearsarge Regional High School about performing at the celebration. Andrew said he would also like someone to speak about this, as well as a proclamation from a State Senator. Andrew said maybe the Sweet Beet could provide some food and maybe 5 Acres could supply some plantings. Marlene will provide flowers. Karen said people can park on Center Road as opposed to Route 103. Karen will contact Parks and Recreation to involve them as well. Karen asked what the budget is. Andrew said the budget should be less than $500.
  • Appreciation for Highway Department – Andrew read a letter in support of the highway department.
  • Sign Tax Warrant – Signed
  • Sign Fireworks Contract – Signed
  • Sign Carbon Cash Back Letters – Signed
  • Sign Pierce Road Discontinuance Letter – Signed
  • Sign Intent to Cut Map 7 Lot 48 – Signed
  • Sign TAN Transfer Request – Signed two copies.
  • Sign Property Tax Exemption – Signed
  • Sign Personnel Action Forms – Signed
  • Sign Driveway Permit Map 5 Lot 7-1 – Signed
  • Review Building Permit Map 11 Lot 37 – Signed

Upcoming Meetings:

  • May 24, 2021

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) and (l) at 8:08 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 10:05 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

While in non-public session, the Board voted 3-0 in favor of asking the Town’s attorney to file a motion for further enforcement of the cease and desist order for 340 Fairgrounds Road.

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.