Planning Board Minutes 07.27.21

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm

Members Present:), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Steve Chase (Alternate) seated in for Carol Meise, Katie Olohan (Alternate) seated in for Laurie Colburn, Doug Troy, Mel Pfeifle, Sonny Harris (Alternate Via Zoom for Pam Bruss), Tom Dunne

Members Absent: Laurie Colburn, Pam Bruss, Carol Meise

Public Present: Trask Pfeifle, Richard and Katherine Mozzetta

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the July 13th, 2021 minutes.

Motion:  Doug Troy motioned to accept the July 13th, 2021 minutes as written.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Tom Dunne- Aye Doug Troy- Aye

Public Hearing(s):

Map 2 Lot 61- Barselle Subdivision

Site Walk – 5:30pm Map 2 Lot 61th

Sonny Harris suggested looking at previous Town Meetings to find out if the boundaries are correct.  Carol Troy said the Mylar and Deed Description is still needed for property.

Discussion Opened to the public at 7:17pm

Doug Troy motioned to close the public hearing at 7:17 pm

Carol Troy- second

Tom Dunne- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Sonny Harris- Aye, Katie Olohan- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye

Steve Chase vote to approve subdivision application as complete at 7:18 pm with the new Deed description and Mylar turned into the Planning Board.

Katie Olohan- Second

Carol Troy- Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Tom Dunne- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Sonny Harris- Aye


  • Map 17 Lot 2 Trask Pfeifle- Preliminary Discussion

Trask is trying to relocate a retail digital print, screen printing and embroidery shop from Connecticut to Map 17 Lot 2 in Bradford, NH.

Carol Troy explains a site plan is needed to move forward. Trask asked if the site plan should come from the owners of the building. Katie Olohan states that Trask needs a letter from the owner of the building saying they are accepting the building as a retail business.

Mel Pfeifle states that the site plan application has to be complete as well as fees paid 10 calendar days before going to the Planning board meeting on August 10th, so public notices can be sent out for the next meeting at the end of August 2021. Carol Troy states the abutters to the property need to be notified as well. Mel Pfeifle suggested having Walter Royal the code enforcement officer verify that the building is up to code.

Other Communications:

Richard Mozzetta and Kathy Mozzetta of 232 Cressy Road bought their property 3 years ago which abuts Mike Dillon’s property at 219 Cressy Rd. Richard shared his concerns regarding the noise in the area and on Mr. Dillon’s property. Richard stated he has spoken to Mike Dillon regarding his property and the noise in the neighborhood. Richard stated that Mike was given permission in 2019 for his home business and he does not agree with this ruling. He also stated that at the Select Board Meeting Mike was told that Walter Royal, the code enforcement officer, said Mr. Dillon was in compliance with the Town of Bradford for his home business. 

Mel Pfeifle suggests Mr. Mozzetta contact Walter Royal, the code enforcement officer, to come out to the property to see the impact that Mr. Dillon’s business is having in the neighborhood.

Carol Troy stated that Mike Dillon was furnished the applicable forms to file with the Planning Board for a home business. Mel Pfeifle stated that Richard should attend the next Select Board meeting to express his grievances. Sonny Harris suggested limiting the hours on Mr. Dillon’s business and possibly insulating the building to help reduce the noise.  Richard stated that Mr. Dillon uses his chainsaws outside and that will not help with the noise. Mel stated that the chainsaw noise did not come up in the Select Board meeting. Carol Troy stated that Mike Dillon is a commercial business in a residential area and needs to go to the Zoning Board as well as the Select Board before being brought to the Planning Board. 

Discussion ended at 8:13pm

Katie Olohan motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:15 pm

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: All in favor

Planning Board Communications:


The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on August 10th, 2021 at 7:00pm in person and as a courtesy remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

            Password: 757403

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to adjourn.

Second: Doug Troy

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Tom Dunne- Aye 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:42 pm

Draft Minutes submitted by

Aimee Dallas