Budget Committee Minutes 08.19.21

The Budget Committee Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll call – Laurie Colburn, Doug Southard, Beth Downs, Jen Richardson in attendance. Tim McKenna came in after roll call.

Review Minutes:

Beth stated the time of the start of the meeting needs to be changed in the minutes. Per the live stream recording, the meeting started at 6:32.

Motion: Beth Downs made a motion to accept the minutes from June 17, 2021 with the noted change.

Second: Jen Richardson seconded the motion.

Vote: 4-0 in favor

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  • The Committee members reviewed expenses through July 2021 close. There was a question regarding who was receiving Town benefits as there are two line items for this, one under the general fund for health insurance ($22,800) and then on page three for employee benefits there is a deficit of $21,700. Jen wanted to know why this amount is so high for two Town employees. Laurie said that they would need to ask Karen this question. Doug said there is an employee that is taking part in the retirement benefit that was not in the past. Jen wants to know why there are two line items for health insurance. Laurie explained that it is a place holder and it will show up differently next month. Tim explained that it is a line-item adjustment. Tim asked if there are only two people receiving benefits in the Town Office.
  • Follow-up items with Karen: 1. Health insurance details; 2. Understanding why the Fire Department Dispatch is at 100% already; 3. Bement Bridge expense.

Select Board Update:

There was no representation from the Select Board to give an update. Laurie will follow up with Karen to see if Marlene Freyler is still the Select Board representative to the Budget Committee.

Department Partnership Updates:

Laurie Colburn – Strategy around telling the “Budget Story”; Town Clerk – Laurie has not spoken to Erica yet, but she will schedule something soon. Erica said so far this year her budget is on track.

Doug Southard – Trends over time; Fire Department – Doug distributed some information to other Committee members with comparisons with local communities including Sutton and Washington. Doug said he thinks Bradford does well going through things line item by line item. He would like the Committee to look at reasonable comparisons in the future. Doug will touch base with Karen to see what communities she would like to compare with Bradford and he will do some more research on this topic.

Justin Dohrn – Transfer Station – Not present

Tim McKenna – How Budget is presented at Town Meeting; Police Department – Hasn’t touched base with anyone yet.

Jen Richardson – Highway – Jen asked what she is supposed to ask the Road Agent. Laurie explained she should ask if they see anything big coming in the future.

Beth Downs – Select Board – Beth reported that the Select Board put in for a $1.3 million grant for the Town Hall that was denied.

Future Business:

  • Upcoming Budget Workshop – September 14 – Jen and Beth will be attending this event.
  • Next Budget Committee Meeting – September 16 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Discuss Next Steps for 2021 and Timing
    • Target Budget Submission Date is October 15
    • CIP Target Complete by November 1
    • February 11, 2022 last date to hold 1st Public Hearing (must be noticed by February 4, 2022)
    • February 22, 2022 last date to provide Select Board with Annual Budget

Motion: Doug Southard motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Second: Tim McKenna seconded the motion.

Vote: 5-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.