Selectmen’s Minutes 09.13.21

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm

Roll Call – Andrew Pinard (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Michael Dillon – Mike Dillon reported that he and his wife have decided to run their business part-time. He wants to run the sawmill no more than 2-3 hours per week for business purposes. He said they have a lot going on at home. They want to finish their barn and talk to the Code Enforcement Officer about a fence that will go up around the entire property. The sawmill and chainsaw will mostly be used for personal use at this point in time. Mike said he went to the Zoning Board meeting, and they suggested meeting with the Select Board to see if it is okay to do what they are doing, as long as they keep it very part-time. He said they removed the box truck on the property and are slowly improving the property. He said the police have visited his property numerous times recently, and he does not want this to continue. Mel asked if logging trucks will be coming to the property, and Mike said no more than once a month. Mike asked if he needs a permit for this, and Andrew said not if this is all for personal use. Andrew said he appreciates that he gave an update to the Select Board. The Select Board encouraged Mike to go to the Planning Board to be approved for a home business if he wants to continue doing any business on the premises.

Sal Magistro – Sal said he had a walkthrough in the Masonic Lodge building. Karen distributed Sal’s proposal. Andrew said he understood there was a change and that Sal wanted to add seating. Sal said it is for people that are waiting in line versus seating for food consumption. Marlene asked him if the door is wide enough for ADA requirements and Andrew said it is definitely wide enough. Sal will be attending the Planning Board meeting tomorrow evening. Marlene said the Fire Chief told her that the electrical work for the stove needs to be re-done. Sal said he walked through the building with the Fire Chief and that the Fire Chief said the electrical panels just need to be covered. Andrew asked for documentation from the Fire Chief on what needs to be done.

Lois Kilnapp – Lois distributed a quote for grinding and painting the compactor at the Transfer Station. She said the compactor and the container are corroded. She said Naughton looked at the compactor and suggested running it until it breaks down. Lois asked what the Select Board would like to do. Lois said she would like to grind and paint the compactor and keep it running. Andrew asked about leaks, and Lois said it does not leak. Lois said it had leaked in the past, but it was repaired about six years ago.

Motion Mel motioned to approve the quote in the amount of $1,468.50 to grind and paint the compactor.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

The Board members agreed by consensus that this will come out of the operating budget.

Dan Cilley – East Main Street – Andrew said they were made aware that there is a cow on Town property, and he wants to know what is going on. Dan apologized for not getting prior permission. He said they put the cow on Town property occasionally. He wants to know if they can continue to do that moving forward. Andrew asked if there is a statute about owning an agricultural animal, and Karen said not at the town level. Andrew said the lot in question is divided into two portions – a front and back section. Andrew said the Historical Society uses the front section. Dan said he has kept the cow on the section in the front used by the Historical Society. Andrew asked Dan to check with the Historical Society to see if they mind. Mel said she agreed with Andrew. Dan asked if they need something in writing from the Historical Society and Karen said they can send her an email. Andrew said it is a small lot that has a gravel drive and someone from his property has been parking in the driveway and he wants to know if this will continue. Dan said he will move the vehicles.

Steve Hall – Road Agent – Steve gave an update about the installation of a culvert on a private residence. Steve said he had read something about solar energy on the Transfer Station property. Mel spoke to this, and said it was in response of the Energy Committee looking into solar energy. She said this is very preliminary and in the beginning stages of conversation. Steve said he has concerns about this proposal. Steve mentioned there have been concerns raised about the sunflowers at the intersection of Route 114 and Route 103 and the height of the flowers obstructing a clear view. Andrew agreed. Steve said he will reach out to the gardeners.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the August 23 meeting. Andrew made one adjustment in Mark Anderson’s appearance. The word “was” should appear following the word “road” in the line that reads “Andrew said there were no prior reports that the road damaged before this incident happened.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • 340 Fairgrounds Update – Karen gave an update on the property. She said the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) had been asked to visit the property to see if there was a business operating on the property. The property owner (Michelle Turco) said there is no business taking place at this location. Karen distributed photos that were taken by the Police Department at the end of August. Andrew said there was concern about contaminants getting into the waterways. Andrew asked what the point of the new fence is, and Michelle said it was just to block the view. Andrew asked if there were more than two unregistered vehicles on the property and Michelle said no. Andrew asked if they contain oil and gasoline and Michelle said yes. Andrew asked if Michelle could submit a letter to the Select Board stating that it is not being operated as a junkyard and that there is no contaminant runoff. Marlene said if there is a truck that brings in vehicles and Michelle said yes. Andrew is requesting the Code Enforcement Officer be allowed access to the property to determine if this is a home business. Michelle said she will think about it and get back to the Select Board.
  • CIP Update – Mel gave an update. She said the CIP work is progressing nicely. She added that the Town is not saving enough money to keep up with inflation. They are currently looking into bond rates.
  • Budget Process Schedule – Karen said the Department Heads will receive their budget worksheets by Sept 30th. They will be due back to Karen by October 22. Karen will send the Operating Budget Worksheet to the Select Board and Budget Committee by October 30.
  • COVID Protocol Update – Andrew said there are concerns about the uptick of the Delta variant cases. Andrew thinks they should revisit the policy. Karen will keep it on the agenda, and they will revisit this topic in two weeks.
  • Fire Department Update – Andrew said the Fire Chief’s last day is September 21.

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to accept the resignation of the Jeff LeBlanc, Fire Chief.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Andrew has met with members of the Fire Department and discussed how they would like to proceed following the Chief’s departure. The Fire Department has indicated they’d like to move forward with an interim Fire Chief. After discussion, 11 of 14 active members of the volunteer Fire Department “unanimously agreed to ask the Select Board to appoint James Raymond to serve as interim Fire Chief” until a permanent Fire Chief can be appointed.

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to appoint James Raymond as Interim Fire Chief effective following the departure of the current Fire Chief, Jeff LeBlanc.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Andrew would like to conduct an exit interview. Mel would like to do an exit interview after his resignation in non-public at a future Select Board meeting. Karen will reach out to him to ask if he would come in after his resignation.

  • Address 8/23 email from the Planning Board – Andrew acknowledged an email that was received concerning the Pickman garage. The Code Enforcement Officer said he found the structure to be within the restriction of the wetlands. There was concern from the Planning Board about the traffic flow and parking. Andrew said the request should go directly to the property owner from the Planning Board. The Planning Board also does not see two buildable acres on this lot. Andrew said this again should go to the Planning Board. Andrew said there was also concern about what will be in the garage and Andrew said a site plan review should be requested by the Planning Board. Andrew thinks the Planning Board should reach out to the property owner.

New Business:

  • 2020 Audit Management Discussion and Analysis – Karen is looking for a volunteer to write the MDA for the 2020 Audit. Karen said it is a recap for the budget considerations when developing the next year’s budget, so it makes sense to be given to Marlene. Marlene agreed to this.
  • Accept ARPA funds – Karen said this is the American Rescue Plan Act funding for pandemic proofing our community. Andrew suggested using the funds toward a new well for the Highway Garage. Karen said final guidance on spending the funds has not been issued. Karen suggested they accept the funds and once final guidance on how the funds may be spent is released, have a discussion about potential projects.

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to accept the unanticipated revenue from ARPA in the amount of $89,352.61 per RSA 31:95-b.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Access to Deeded Property – A family member would like to remove items from a property the Town recently deeded for non-payment of taxes. Andrew said he is fine with this request as long as it is done in a safe manner, and they are escorted by a member of the Police Department. By consensus, the Board agreed to allow access to the property. If the Officer escorting this person finds they are not being appropriate, the visit will end.
  • Meeting October 11th – This is a recognized Town holiday. There will be no meeting on this date and there will be follow up discussion about rescheduling the meeting.
  • Sign Intents to Cut Map 6 Lot 8 and Map 5 Lot 79 – Signed
  • Sign Elderly Exemption – Signed
  • Andrew acknowledged an email from Cathie and Rich Mozzetta regarding farm animals on Cressy Road. The Police Department visited the property and said everything seems to be within regulation on this property. Andrew encouraged the citizens to not use the Select Board as their first defense when there is a conflict with a neighbor.
  • Karen said the unveiling of the Lafayette marker will happen on September 25 at 1:30 p.m. Marlene will represent the Select Board at this event.
  • Resident Jon Steiner sent some feedback regarding the attendant at French’s Park. He says he thinks this has been very helpful in controlling the area. Jon would like to suggest the Town plow the road in the winter for residents who like to use this area during the winter months.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • September 27, 2021

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (c) at 8:09 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:59 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

A decision about an employee was made during the non-public session.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Andrew – yes, Marlene – yes, Mel – yes. 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.