Planning Board Site Walk Minutes 09.13.21 and 09.14.21

Map 16 Lot 87
Applicant: Town of Bradford/ Sal Magistro

In attendance: Planning Board: Mel Pfeifle, Carol Meise, Steve Chase, Carol Troy. Selectboard: Marlene Freyler, Applicants: Sal Magistro and Carla Sparks, Yvonne McCormick representing the Bradford Community Church Trustees, Anita Herrick abutter.

Site walk began at 5:10

The applicant is proposing to use the building for a bakery and pastry shop.

The group took a tour of the grounds and the leech field and septic were noted, the leech field is shared by the fire station and this property.

The handicapped ramp was addressed and the future location shown.

Parking spaces discussed and shown. The concern is that patrons do not use the area near the Fire Station. The applicant will install no parking signs in that area.

At 5:30 Jeff LeBlanc the Fire Chief joined and stated that the applicant needs to meet with the Fire Dept and Building Inspector to make sure all is up to code for his planned use.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45

Map 17 Lot 2 
Applicant Trask Pfeifle

In attendance: Planning Board: Carol Meise, Steve Chase, Mel Pfeifle, Carol Troy. Also attending: Marlene Freyler, Sandy Wadlington an abutter joined at 5:50

Site walk began at 5:45

The applicant is proposing to locate a digital print and embroidery shop in the building.

Well and septic locations were noted. Possible exterior lighting discussed. Parking spots and location noted. Exits front and back noted.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:58

Site walk Tuesday September 14, 2021

Map 02 Lot 09
Applicant: Scott McCaskill

In attendance: Planning Board: Pam Bruss, Mel Pfeifle, Steve Chase, Carol Troy. Applicants Kelly McCaskill and David Eneguess.

The applicant is proposing a minor subdivision dividing one lot into two.

The group viewed the site plan and boundaries. The group walked the property and pink flags and pins well marked. The future septic area shown. The proposed driveway location shown.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:00