Energy Committee Minutes 09.21.21

Meeting at BACC 5:00-6:00 pm: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Moss

  • Review and approval of August Minutes.

      Minutes are approved.

  • Discussion of next steps regarding the Revision Energy Solar Energy Proposal for Transfer Station Property. Kathleen will contact the Select Board to arrange a date for the BEC to attend a Monday meeting in October and present the proposal from Revision Energy to develop a group net metering solar installation on town owned land, at no cost to the town. Kathleen will put together and Susan will help with visual presentation. Important info to communicate:
  • There are zero up-front costs.
  • Town receives an income stream from lease. 3 MW needs 15 acres leased at $1,000-$1,200 per acre/$15-20,000 annually.
  • Numerous environmental benefits as we reduce use of fossil fuels in NH.

Bradford’s rural character has land for use that can improve our economic picture without sacrificing rural character.

  • Status of Implementation of Energy Audit Energy Saving Recommendations for four Bradford Municipal Facilities:
    • The Library work has been approved and is scheduled for January.
    • The three other buildings, fire station, BCC, and Highway dept. will be examined separately by two contractors, approved by NHSaves, on October 5 and 7. Karen and Sandra attend.
  • Proposed Weatherization Campaign Update:  

Discussion of consulting with Vital Communities to create an informational program for Bradford residents to promote the benefits of weatherization (and alternative energy too?). There are funds in NH Saves to also assist residents and commercial business in weatherization improvements. January would be the target for a program that could be attended by contractors, residents and business owners. Such programs have drawn interest in other towns. Good publicity and incentives could help make the event successful.

  • Improving Public Presence of BEC. Bridge article in September was a good introduction the Solar Energy Proposal from Revision Energy. Target November for the next story.
  • BEC documentation management Kathleen and Laura will work on getting us into an organized google drive to make it easier for us to access meeting minutes, proposals, relevant articles.
  • Conclude: Next meeting on October 19,2021  5:00-6:00,  at BACC

Respectfully submitted by S. Reeder Moss