Economic Development Committee Minutes 10.18.21

The meeting came to order at 6:03. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Matt Monahan (CNHRPC, via Zoom), Mel Pfeifle, Jim Bibbo, and Stan Ovrevik. The minutes from the September 9, 2021 previous meeting were approved.

The revised bylaws were voted on and passed unanimously.

Matt gave an update on the progress of the ERZ application. Parcels have been added to encompass the entire triangle bounded by East Main Street, Route 114, and Route 103. After a check by his office, it will go to the Select Board for approval, at which point it can be formally be submitted to the State.

Mel, the Select Board representative, filled us in on developments in town, including the use of the Masonic Building and the former Colonial Woodworking facility. There was discussion of how local businesses might take advantages of 79-E tax breaks.

We discussed how we might promote tourism in the area. Several people noted that we need more parking in town, and using a part of the Naughton property was suggested. The second floor of the Town Hall contains a full theatre facility; if this could be finished, we could possibly attract theatre groups and other performers or speakers. The town’s historic connection to Vaudeville might be promoted. Andrew Pinard might be able to provide some assistance in this area.

The Rural Heritage Connection is interested in helping to develop uses with the Naughton property. We will be working with them, but will let them take the lead on this.

Possible means of funding some of these improvements were discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 6:53. The next meeting will be Monday, November 15, 2021.