Zoning Board Minutes 12.01.21

Held at the Bradford Community Center in person and on the Zoom Platform.

Members: Brooks McCandlish(Chair), Ken Parys, (Vice Chair) , Nathanial Bruss (7:05), William Duffy, and Beth Downs.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.

A motion from William Duffy to accept the minutes from November 3, 2021 was seconded by Ken Parys. The minutes were accepted unanimously.

The public hearing for Scott McCaskill’s application for a special exception to reduce the front yard setback per Article 3, Section D, Item 2 began at 7:10pm.

Scott McCaskill along with his daughter Kelly McCaskill and David Eneguess presented the application, and answered questions from the Board. Kathleen Bigford, also present, had no objections. There was no other public comment in person or via zoom. The public hearing closed at 7:15.

The Board found that the site was appropriate for the proposed special exception, that it would not be detrimental to the neighborhood, and that it would cause no undue hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 

Beth Downs moved to approve the special exception as presented.  Nathanial Bruss seconded the motion, and motion to approve was approved unanimously.

New business

Kathleen Bigford came before the Board on behalf of the Bradford Energy Committee seeking advice for a proposal to develop a 3 megawatt solar array by Revision Energy on about 15 acres of the property containing the Town’s Transfer Station. This property is partially in the Residential Business District, and partially in the Residential Rural District.

A lengthy discussion followed concerning the role of the ZBA, its procedures, and whether the Zoning Ordinance applies to Town-owned property if it is leased to a commercial enterprise.  It was pointed out that in any case, Town boards and departments often do follow zoning procedures for the sake of appearance, or for political reasons.

Kathleen was given a copy of the application for a special exception for a commercial enterprise in the residential Rural District to review, and it was recommended that she consult with the Select Board and Planning Board as well.  

7:48 pm Nathanial Bruss made a motion to adjourn all members were unanimous to adjourn.

Draft minutes written and submitted by Beth Downs