Budget Committee Minutes 11.18.21

The Budget Committee Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.

Roll call – Laurie Colburn, Doug Southard, Beth Downs, Jen Richardson, Tim McKenna, Justin Dohrn, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton were in attendance

Review Minutes:

Minutes from September 16, 2021 were reviewed.

Motion: Jen Richardson motioned to accept the minutes as written

Second: Beth Downs

Vote: 7-0 in favor

Review of Budget and Expenditures:

  • The Committee reviewed expenses through November 15th. While the Highway department budget for 2021 was noted as being tight, overall, Karen felt the 2021 expenditures would fall within the allocated budget.
  • The 2022 General Budget was presented excluding employee related expenses. The Select Board agenda for November 22 includes a review of any cost of living and merit increases the Board will support and will be included in a later draft of the General Budget request. It was noted that Federal COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for 2022 was 5.9%. Tim McKenna also raised concerns that starting salaries in neighboring towns were in excess of current wages in Bradford, specifically noting Police Department wages. The Committee discussed the value in retention of employees, entry level rates, the investment in initial training and the difficulty competing in a job market where we may be below market average, while expressing concern with the overall impact on the bottom-line tax rate.
  • Laurie asked whether any 2021 expense actuals included COVID related spending that was offset by relief funding. Karen will provide detail that outlines any expenses related to COVID that were offset by revenue receipts.
  • The Committee discussed fuel and electric rates. Rates have been locked in.
  • Tim noted that the 2022 budget includes a lease payment for body cameras have been included which is expected to become mandatory in the next year or two.
  • The Police Department will move to a full time Chief in 2022 migrating from 4.5 to 4 employees.
  • It was noted that the Select Board stipend for 2022 has increased from $1,000 to $3,000 annually per Board member.

The Board reviewed some of the year over year changes, excluding salary related expenses:

  • Advertising costs increased based upon 2021 actuals, although only by $50.
  • Election supplies were noted as increasing and will be discussed with the Town Clerk.
  • Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector wages were noted as increasing and it was noted that the 2021 budget line had intentionally been reduced due to some vacancy, lower hour volume anticipated.
  • Audit Fees increase in 2021 due to turn over in Tax Collector which triggers an audit demand.
  • 2022 election expense will increase due to increased election volumes.
  • Legal fees decreased for 2022.
  • Recoding Secretary expense was increased for 2022 for the Zoning Board.
  • The Committee noted a concern with the Circuit Rider budget for the Planning Board as it was under spent in 2021.
  • Contract Services for General Government Services has been reduced in 2022. Believe the 2021 budget may have been estimated high.
  • Police Department vehicle repair expenses were noted as increasing, the Committee discussed what replacements were planned in the CIP.
  • The Fire Department budget is significantly lower for 2022 and year over year trends by line item were noted as inconsistent. The Budget Committee will review how items are coded when reviewing the Budget with the Fire Chief. The changes in Chief’s over the last few years likely contribute to this. The Committee would also like to get an update on the call response and activity volume details.
  • Rescue Contract Services for 2021 have come in lower than expected in 2021 at around $49,000. Budget for 2022 has been reduced versus the 2021 budget amount.
  • Code Enforcement increased due to bringing back the Building Inspector position. Karen was asked to provide a summary of the 2021 building permit activity.
  • Emergency Management was discussed, budgeted at $500 but rarely spent.
  • Bridges were reviewed, in 2021 $280,000 was noted in the General Budget but expenses were paid out of a specific fund so no actuals have been noted. $35,000 has been included in 2022 for specific large projects.
  • The Committee would like to understand how the work that would be done by Town employees under the road plan might affect the resources needed to execute the work in the General Budget.
  • The Committee wondered whether the CIP has been adopted. Karen will follow up with the Planning Board.
  • Street Lighting costs have decreased in 2021 and the 2022 budget has been reduced.
  • Solid Waste Collection and Disposal will be reviewed with Lois Kilnapp, the Committee wondered if there was any need for additional repair & maintenance expense as this line was lowered for 2022.
  • Welfare & Welfare Payments were noted as fairly flat year over year.
  • The Committee will review the Parks & Recreation lines with Devin Pendleton. It was noted that the General Budget includes $4,000 for an attendant at French’s Park which was included as a Warrant Article in 2021. Supplies are increasing significantly and the Committee would like to understand that change.
  • The Committee would like to understand the total costs associated with the Lake Host and the New Hampshire Lakes Association grant process.
  • The Library budget was noted as increasing by 2%. The Committee would like to get the detail behind the request.
  • Patriotic Purpose was budgeted flat to 2021. The Committee wondered whether the expense versus participation was worth the amount of budget begin dedicated towards the event.
  • It was noted that the alarm system expenses in 2021 were roughly $1,000 due to repair activity. Alarm & Trash control budget demands have been separated beginning with the 2022 budget. The Committee discussed some of the exterior repair costs begin completed via a Warrant Article and Unanticipated Revenue. Karen expressed concerns with aging infrastructure with the building, outlining an issue that came up this year with a corroded transfer switch as an example.
  • The Committee reviewed initial budget submissions and discussed scheduling reviews with Department Heads. Laurie will coordinate scheduling meetings on December 2nd, December 16th and January 6th.

Motion: Jen Richardson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs seconded the motion.

Vote: 7-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn