Planning Board Minutes 03.08.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:02

Members present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle (Selectboard Rep), Laurie Colburn, Doug Troy, Steve Chase (Alternate) via ZOOM

Members absent: Carol Meise, Tom Dunne, Katie Olohan (alternate), Sonny Harris (alternate)

Also present: Christine Frost re Map 17 Lot 2, Anu Saini owner Map 17 Lot 2

To Do:

Review and consideration of Feb 8, 2022 minutes

Motion to approve: Laurie Colburn

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All in favor: Pam Bruss- aye, Carol Troy-aye, Mel Pfeifle- aye, Laurie Colburn- aye, Doug Troy – aye

Steve Chase seated for Tom Dunne at 7:04

Public Hearing: none

Other business:

Board discussion of change of use for the current Bradford Junction restaurant. Lisa Fantasia appeared at the February 8 meeting and presented her proposed new business at this location. She will be running a bakery “Wicked Sweets Cakes and Treats”. The Board declared this new business does not constitute a change of use and she can move forward with her plan.

Motion to accept this: Carol Meise, Second: Mel Pfeifle

Appearances: Christine Frost and Anu Saini potential renter and current owner of Map 17 Lot 2, 2 East Main Street.

Christine is hoping to lease the space from Anu to operate a retail store. She is planning on a made in America home goods store: Soul Source LLC a business that she has created.

Mel Pfeifle excused at 7:15

Christine described her business and how she will use the space.  There is already a site plan on file from Sept 14, 2021 and there will be no new construction. Initially she will be open Fri, Sat, Sun. She is hoping to open in June 2022 There was no need for a formal vote at this time and it will go on the agenda pending for the upcoming meeting.

Other communications: Pam received a communication from a real estate agent about a property on Blaisdell Lake Rd. It is 50 acres Map 3 Lot 46 and there is interest in dividing the property into two lots. After looking at the map the Board found this to be an unbuildable lot.

Mel reseated at 7:35

Motion to adjourn: Laurie Colburn

Second: Carol Troy

All aye

Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.