Selectmen’s Minutes 04.11.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Energy Committee – NH Saves Application for Highway Garage – The $12,000 project for the highway garage qualifies for NH Saves funding and, if approved, they would cover 35% of the project. By consensus, the Board agreed to use Shakes to Shingles for this project and that the project start date should be scheduled around the repair work to the side of the building.

Police Chief Ed Shaughnessy Ed reported that Master Patrolman Officer Neil Flanagan has been promoted to Sergeant. Neil was sworn in by Town Clerk, Erica Gross. Chief Shaughnessy gave an update on the Department. There are 23 open investigations currently and 12 open cases in courts. He is looking into two grants. One in the amount of $22,722 for the purchase and installation of laptop computers for the cruisers. This 100% grant has been approved.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to grant Chief Shaughnessy the authority to sign the Certificate of Authority for this grant.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

The other grant is a 50/50 grant for Body One cameras which will soon be mandated. The total cost of the cameras is about $24,000 and they will cover half the cost.

There will be an officer position opening up in the Department.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to change the detail rate of pay for vested officers from $43/hr. to $45.54/hr.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Chief Shaughnessy said the new vehicle has been ordered.

Steve Hall, Road Agent, asked about the speed bumps near the school. Chief said to let him know if he needs anything from the Police Department.

Steve Hall – Highway Department – Timber cut at Transfer Station – There was discussion about the proposed timber cut including the size of the cut and what would be included. Steve clarified that three acres would be a clear cut, stumped and the stumps ground. An additional 12 acres would be thinned out.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle made a motion to change the agreement to include cutting an extra 12 acres in addition to the 3 acres that will be clear cut.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the March 28 meeting.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Town Hall Update – Karen said she has been pulling things together. Marlene signed the corrected Bond Counsel Engagement agreement. Karen said the Town is still pursuing the best deal possible for the bond. She added that LCHIP is requesting a complete historical structure report, which would take 6-7 months to complete, for any request over $50,000.
  • Review 1st Quarter Expenses – Marlene reviewed the departments’ budget and expenses year to date.

New Business:

  • CAP Request to use internet – Karen has given them TDS’s contact information. The Board was undecided on allowing them to use the Town’s internet.
  • Vacant Positions – Mel said this an opportunity to create a position to support multiple boards. There is a need for a bookkeeper, as well as a recording secretary. Karen agreed. Karen will work on a job description and will bring something back to the Board for the May 9 meeting. There was also discussion about cleaning the PD, FD and Highway Department. Karen is compiling information on what services these departments need. The Community Center is currently being cleaned, however, Karen believes it makes sense to have one person/organization handle all cleaning of Town buildings. Karen will look at this and put something together.
  • Building Inspection Requirements – Karen said in 2020 after the Town had eliminated the Building Inspector position, letters were sent to DES and Eversource stating that it was no longer required to have the Building Inspector approve septic and electrical inspections. The current Building Inspector would like to revert to the earlier process for electrical work and require a Town inspection prior to Eversource conducting a final inspection. Beth asked if the Building Inspector is qualified for this. Karen believes so. Karen will write a letter to Eversource. By consensus, the Board agreed that Karen will reach out to Eversource with this change.
  • Updated Fire Truck Contract – Karen received an email from the Town’s attorney regarding the contract indicating the contract negotiations were still underway.
  • Sign Appointment for Zoning Board – Signed.
  • Sign TAN Transfer Request – Signed.
  • The Board received a thank you note from the American Heart Association for the donation made in memory of Dave Pickman.
  • Beth, Mel and Marlene all offered to help Karen in the office until there is a new bookkeeper in place.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • April 25, 2022
  • May 9, 2022

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.