Energy Committee Minutes 04.19.22

Attended by Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Susan Reeder Moss, Marlene Freyler, Laura Ryder (ZOOM) and Mel Pfeifle (ZOOM)

  1. Review March Minutes – Approved
  • Town Hall Renovation Project
    • NHSaves Utility Rebate Program is back up and running in New Hampshire. DMI has been assigned to the Town Hall project by Eversource. DMI assists Eversource with the energy savings and incentive analysis for new construction projects. Their typical scope of work includes a review of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and architectural designs for HVAC, process, lighting, and envelope related energy savings and incentives. They are also available to provide feedback and suggestions regarding the design in order to maximize energy efficiency (i.e. comparing design alternatives) and improve the overall project incentive eligibility. This service is of no cost to the town. Detailed plans must be provided to DMI before energy saving measures can be evaluated. The Town Administrator will facilitate this process.
  • Bradford Energy Goals – transitioning to 100 percent reliance on renewable sources of electricity by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heating and transportation by 2050.
    • Renewal of Municipal electricity contract will take place in November.  The town’s current provider’s electricity rate of $.06 KWH will more than double. Reaching the goal of 100 percent reliance on renewable electricity by the town may be accomplished by purchasing from suppliers who contract for electricity generated from renewable sources such as wind and solar. The BEC will research electricity suppliers, costs and renewable energy mixes, including options provided by Community Power organizations and report back to the Selectboard.
    • The Selectboard requested the BEC work with the CIP Committee to incorporate energy saving measures into the 10-year CIP Plan. Transitioning to electric vehicles and non-fossil heating will require much planning.
    • The BEC will continue to work with Town Committees and our community to inform about renewable energy opportunities and benefits through participation at Committee meetings, town events, and schools.
  • Municipal Weatherization Status
    • The Selectboard authorized Shakes to Shingles to perform the weatherization work at the highway garage at the Selectboard meeting on April 11, 2022. Also, NHSaves approved the project for a $4,316.55 incentive.
    • Shakes to Shingles and NHSaves contracts must be implemented.
    • Repairs to Highway garage structure must be completed prior to start of weatherization. The Highway Manager is working on this.
    • Weatherization work must be installed and accepted by both the Town and Eversource by 10/ 31/ 2022. 
  • Solar Energy
    • Municipal Buildings Solar Feasibility Review
      • Highway Building – trees that will need to be removed were identified. Bids would need to go out for the tree work and consideration of the value of the sale of the wood included in the project. We are looking at this project for inclusion as an article for the 2023 Town Warrant.
      • Mel Pfeifle reached out to Andy Spiegel, GSS, regarding solar panels on Town Hall roof. Update to come.
  • Kearsarge Climate Action Items
    • KCA Solar Energy Subcommittee – no new items.
    • Ten Towns, Ten Actions Toolkit to Reduce Plastic Waste – Sandra and Susan have been meeting with KCA to coordinate ways in which we can be part of a plastics reduction campaign in July in NH. Posters designed by a New England College student are being hung around town. We are looking to participate in a multi-town collection day for Styrofoam and plastic garden pots. Several town businesses and institutions are interested in participating in activities in July to raise awareness of how to reduce plastic waste to benefit the environment. More to come on this.
    • E-bike Loan Program New London Whipple Hall 7/20 – 8/9/22. We will publicize this opportunity in June. Participants will be able to sign out an E-Bike for trial. Volunteers will be needed to assist. Anyone can volunteer.
    • Electric Vehicle Show – scheduled 9/24 noon to 4pm at New London Historical Society. (The same day as our Bradford Town Day) Volunteers needed at the EV Show.
    • NEC students are designing a website for KCA which will hopefully provide links to member Energy Committee websites.
  • Improving Public Presence of BEC
    • Information on Federal Tax Credit Dropping from 26% to 22% was published in April Bradford Bridge to encourage residents to investigate home solar installation now.
    • Poster on how to reduce plastic use will be printed in the May Bridge.
    • Heat pump article for June Bridge.
    • Town Day on Sept. 24. The BEC will have a booth with information and activities to inform about renewable energy and why and how we can get on board with transitioning to use it, both as a municipality and as individual residents.
    • Demonstrate accountability for town weatherization projects by showing the energy savings and cost reduction for all completed projects. Currently we need to gather data on Library energy use following the completion of weatherization in 12/21.
  • BEC documentation management. We have decided that we do not need to keep this item on our agenda. We will continue to add files to our Google Drive
  • Energy Opportunities for Bradford  through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
    • Laura has identified the energy opportunities available to municipalities in NH through this program. Most are connected to the use of renewable energy such as improving infrastructure to support community solar, charging stations, etc. Some of the grants may be applied for now or in the fall, and others will be available through the next four years. We agreed that we would each review these documents for further discussion in our next meeting.

Conclude: Next meeting on May 17 at BACC, 5-6:30pm.