Energy Committee Minutes 05.17.22

BACC 5:00-6:30 pm

In attendance: Sandra Bravo. Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder, Susan Reeder Moss, Marlene Freyler

Review and approval of April Minutes

Agenda Items:

  1. Town Hall Renovation Project

The Town Administrator on May 13th, emailed DMI and NHSaves that the Town Hall Architectural/Design team is reconciling the current plans with the minimal work that was done to provide a small amount of heat for the basement and to guide our mechanical plans forward. She has requested DMI to work directly with the Architectural/Design team to maximize any energy saving measures that make sense both environmentally and financially through incentive programs. Sandra will call DMI to follow up. We are arranging to have a tour of the Town Hall. The Selectboard would like the BEC to make recommendations to them as this all moves forward.

  • Bradford Energy Goals – transitioning to 100 percent reliance on renewable sources of electricity by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heating and transportation by 2050.
    • Selectboard has requested BEC to provide to the CIP Committee a list of renewable and energy saving measures for incorporation into the Municipal Improvements Schedule. We will go through the previous energy audits, speak directly with managers of various town buildings, and come up with a list of recommendations for specific one-time expenditures.
    • Renewal of Municipal electricity contract. No new info for the upcoming renewal – see next item.
    • Community Power opportunities: We have attended a presentation by the Community Power Coalition and Clean Energy NH to understand the opportunities for the town of Bradford to buy electricity in bulk at wholesale rates that can also be made available to all town residents. The goal is both cheaper and cleaner energy and it gives the town control over the electric supply. We have agreed to do more research and present this information to the Selectboard for their consideration. A switch to Community Power would need to be an article on the Town Warrant at Town Meeting.
  • Municipal Weatherization Status  

Highway Garage

  1. The Shakes to Shingles and NHSaves contracts have been signed and submitted.
    1. The Highway manager continues to obtain quotes for repairs to Highway garage structure which must be completed prior to start of weatherization. Door parts have been located.
    1. Weatherization work must be installed and accepted by both the Town and Eversource by 10/31/2022.
    1. Library – The Town received an incentive payment from NHSaves for the weatherization work completed at the Library in the amount of $5005.48.
  • Solar Energy
    • Municipal Buildings Solar Feasibility Review – BEC continues to investigate preliminary issues:
      • Estimates for tree removal around the Highway Building are in process of being obtained. The Highway building plans are being located in order to assess the structural suitability of the roof.   The State Highway department has been contacted to determine the process for tree removal from the state highway ROW. Sandra is in touch with the State.
      • Mel Pfeifle reached out to Andy Spiegel, GSS, regarding solar panels on Town Hall roof. We are waiting for him to have an opportunity to assess feasibility.
  • Kearsarge Climate Action Items
    • Ten Towns, Ten Actions Toolkit to Reduce Plastic Waste (which also saves energy)

We are working toward several initiatives to reduce plastic use in support of the global “Plastic-Free July” initiative: Collecting plastic plant pots in conjunction with 5 Acres. (East Jordan Plastics in MI collects and recycles). Jointly sponsoring a movie and family activity in July at the Brown Memorial Library. (BEC, Conservation Commission, BML). Running a table with information and a fun family activity at the July 2nd celebration event to be held outdoors at the Sweet Beet Market and Café.

  • E-bike Loan Program New London Whipple Hall 7/20 – 8/9/22. Volunteers needed.
    • EV Show – scheduled 9/24 noon to 4pm at NL Historical Society. Volunteers needed.
  • Improving Public Presence of BEC
    • Heat pump article for June Bradford Bridge: This will be submitted.
    • Kearsarge Food Hub July 2, 2022, Community Event: See item 5a.
    • Bradford Town Day 9/24/2022: We will participate with a table/booth of information and an activity for families.
    • Town of Bradford Facebook page: We will provide information for the various July events. Also use the Bradford Bridge and the Intertown Record.
    • Vital Communities Local Energy Showcase. On May 12, Kathleen presented the story and steps for the ESM completed last fall at the town library.
  • Energy Opportunities for Bradford Re: ARPA Funds and Grants and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

The Town Administrator reported that $80,000 in ARPA funds has been allocated to Bradford and that the Selectboard will solicit recommendations from residents on how the funds should be used. The BEC will propose that the town consider using some of the funds for weatherization for low-income residents. The BEC continues to follow updates on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

  • CDFA Community Development Block Grant application – applicability to weatherization of BACC. In order to qualify for a block grant, we would need to wait until the Town Hall is reoccupied, and the BACC building is functioning as strictly a community center.

Conclude: Next Meeting on Tuesday, June 21 5:00-6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Reeder Moss