Selectmen’s Agenda 05.23.22

ZOOM link can be found here

Pledge of Allegiance:


  1. Fire Dept Update – Chief Nowell
  2. Highway Dept – Steve Hall

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. Vacant Positions Update
  3. Town Hall Update (LCHIP, Bond)
  4. Town Building Cleaning Update

New Business:

  1. Conservation Commission clarification
  2. Community Gardeners Areas of Work
  3. Cilley Lane
  4. Butman Road
  5. CAP Lease Renewal
  6. Complaint
  7. Concern about infestation
  8. Authorization to Manage/Administer Town’s Federal Grant Filing
  9. Accept Unanticipated Revenue
  10. Sign Call to Vote
  11. Sign Personnel Action Forms
  12. Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 69
  13. Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 73
  14. Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 74-1

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (a)

Upcoming meeting:      June 13, 2022