Energy Committee Agenda 07.19.22

BEC Agenda for Tuesday July 19, 2022 – Meeting at BACC 5:00-6:30 pm

Review and approval of May and June Minutes

  • Town Hall Renovation Project – Update

The BEC, Town Administrator and Selectboard representative will participate in a meeting with NHSaves, DMI, the Eversource energy contractor, and outside Town Hall project team to define lines of communication and energy goals of the project.  

  • Bradford Energy Goals – transitioning to 100 percent reliance on renewable sources of electricity by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heating and transportation by 2050.
    • The BEC reached out to Fire, Highway, BACC, Library, Police and the Transfer Station to discuss potential energy improvements. A draft summary of the findings were discussed at the BEC meeting. The summary information was presented to the Selectboard on June 27. The BEC was requested to obtain estimates for the items.  Following the meeting the BEC was provided with the CIP Project Form required for costs of $10,000 and more.
    • Update on Renewal of Municipal electricity contract. Bradford has a contract with NEXTera Energy to provide electricity to the Municipality for $0.11920 per kWh which expires on 12/20/22. The BEC requested from the Town’s energy broker, the Atlantic Energy Group, pricing information for the State of NH minimum requirements for green energy (current contract) and for 100% green energy. The 100% green energy option would result in an increase to the Town bill of $167/year.
    • Community Power opportunities. The NH PUC missed the July 5 deadline for promulgating Community Power regulations and instead stated the regulations would be released July 27, 2022.
      • Government Non-profit Agency
        • Community Power Coalition of NH
      • Commercial Energy Brokers
        • Standard Power/Good Energy
        • Freedom Energy logistics/Colonial Power
  • Municipal Weatherization Status – Highway Garage Update – waiting for receipt of materials to make repairs to damaged overhead door frame.
  • Solar Energy
    • Highway and town Hall Solar Feasibility Updates
  • Kearsarge Climate Action Items
    • Ten Towns, Ten Actions Toolkit to Reduce Plastic Waste
    • E-bike Loan Program New London Whipple Hall 7/20 – 8/9/22. Volunteers (7/30-8/10) and e-bike riders are needed.  Posters in PDF format need to be posted in Town. Other outlets?
    • EV Show – scheduled 9/24 noon to 4pm at NL Historical Society. Volunteers needed.
  • Heat Pumps – Next steps?
  • Improving Public Presence of BEC
    • Article in July issue of The Bradford Bridge – Bradford Takes on Single Use Plastics in July. Plastics reduction activities were conducted as follows:
      • Kearsarge Food Hub July 2, 2022 Community Event – plastic free activities.
      • July 13, 2022 – Showing of the movie “Microplastic Madness”, brought to you by the Brown Memorial Library and the Bradford Conservation Commission.
      • July 15, 2022 – Make your own beeswax wrapper at Brown Memorial Library
    • Article in the July Bradford Bridge about Borrow and E-Bike for Free. 
    • Bradford Town Day 9/24/2022 – BEC will have a presence.
    • Town of Bradford Facebook page.
    • Other?
  • Energy Opportunities for Bradford Re: ARPA Funds and Grants and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
  • Other Items
  • Conclude