Select Board Minutes 12.07.10

DECEMBER 7, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


John Belanger, West Road, next to Hoyt Brook Bridge:

John Belanger came before the Selectmen and brought in pictures of before and after what has happened to his property from a contract with the town when he gave them an easement in return for a driveway. Mr. Belanger advised the work performed is less than satisfactory, there is a sink hole, water puddles in driveway. Water is running along the drain pipe under the ground and will eventually make the drain pipe fail. There is a lot more water than Mike Croteau, SEA, Project Engineer stated there would be. Mr. Belanger advised he did not have water in his driveway previously. Mr. Belanger advised someone owes him for four days of power as they came back and used his electricity again. He was paid for the use the first time they used it.

Peter Fenton, Chair requested Cheryl Behr, Administrator to contact Mike Croteau even though the project is complete and see if he can come out to observe the area discussed, and advise Mr. Belanger. Also John Belanger advised Paul Charbonneau did a survey for him of the area, and stated he would furnish further information if the Selectmen would like it.

BACC – Represented by John Bruss, Susan McKevitt and Kate Dobrowski:

The BACC came before the Selectmen basically to discuss the Bradford Area Community Center Director Job Description and Responsibilities. Peter Fenton, Chair also advised they were to give an opinion of the hours that the Director should work, which will be a four hour day beginning January 1, 2011. The hours that were suggested by the Selectmen were 12:00 noon to four pm., or 1:00pm to 5:00pm.

Peter Fenton, Chair asked Susan McKevitt if she had just received a degree to which she said yes and was congratulated by everyone.

A copy of the BACC Budget was given to Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Also handed out was an original Job Description sheet with mark-ups and comments from the BACC committee.

Susan McKevitt advised she had taken the notes from discussions from the last meeting and stated there was some confusion, so they tried to address the whole Job Description and Responsibilites. The original document was used with different colored comments added where they thought there were questions, and also added a time frame with what they estimated should take to complete each task. They were checking to see if what was being asked for could reasonably be completed in a 20 hour week.

Peter Fenton, Chair questioned if any volunteers do any of the work now. Kate Dobrowski advised Edythe Craig does answer the telephone sometimes and she is really responsible for the monthly calendar based on what is in the reservation book. She also creates the calendar that is near the door for people when they come in. Peter Fenton, Chair questioned if Edythe also answered the telephone to which Kate said yes, but she is generally there with her. Kate advised Edythe’s hours are going down, but typically she is there Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:00noon.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Pre School and CAP do not need to be reported as to their activities, as their block of time is constant.

Conversation and clarification ensued. One concern was under Program Development, the last bullet and the first word, being “Solicit”. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen were looking at it as people come forward to the Center with proposals of programs they want to do at the center. In response to a question by John Bruss, Cheryl advised KAP and CAP do provide their financials to the Selectmen. There is a need to know how much any group using the facility is going to cost the Town. The Director is not obligated to cost them out. The word “Solicit” should be changed to “Awareness to the Public”

Insurance was brought up, and there is a TULIP program which is a one day insurance policy. The insurance issue all comes through the town insurance agent. Jon Marden advised the liability insurance could be a renters or homeowners umbrella policy and could be used for a one day activity. A certificate of insurance is required. This does need clarification and Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check into this with LGC. The BACC committee thought it was inappropriate to require a part-time person to be responsible for creating a budget. Peter Fenton, Chair asked why the committee felt this was inappropriate and the reply was the Director is not there long enough to get a sense of what is happening. John Bruss questioned if the Selectmen are going to shift some of the responsibilities if the Director is not going to have control over different areas such as landscaping, snow plowing and maintenance things, alarm system, smoke detectors etc.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Ansel system needs to be upgraded periodically.

Suggestion was that the Director would be responsible for supplies, and the Farmers Market and Natures Camp would be taken away from the responsibilities of the part time director. The cleaning person could notify the Selectmen of any problems. The Director should meet with the Selectmen periodically, and if they cannot get the job done, then it should be stated to the Selectmen per Peter Fenton, Chair, and at that time it would be addressed. Kate Dobrowski advised she cannot accomplish the job in 20 hours. At this time a BACC weekly hours estimation was presented to the Selectmen.

A question was asked by the Selectmen of who is responsible when the Director is not there? The response was no one is manning the building. Kate advised she has systems in place so when people are there after hours, she makes sure they know how to shut it down and turn off the alarm, and tries to reduce the risk for the Town too. That is how the place is run.

Susan McKevitt suggested that originally when the Community Center was completed, it was the idea that it would be self supporting, and proposes that they should re-think that. This seems to be a rarity in terms of towns that have community centers where the centers are co-supported by running activities, but the participating towns do support them. Peter Fenton, Chair advised he does not think it is the intention of the Selectmen to make it self-supporting, but our intention is to make it more financially responsible.

Marcia Keller suggested that after the Energy Audit at the Town Hall, it should be done at the Community Center. It was stated that Michael Bruss has been contacted and this is being considered, per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

The Selectmen unanimously agreed that they are tentatively staying with the 20 hours aweek for a Director of the BACC. If it doesn’t work out after a year, then it would have to go back to full time. The time for the part time hours was reiterated and a choice will be made by the Director whether it is 12:00noon to 4:00pm or 1:00pm to 5:00pm. commencing January 1, 2011. Peter Fenton, Chair advised Kate if she would like to meet with the Selectmen in Non-Public, that would be fine. Peter Fenton, Chair advised Kate that if in a year it did not work out, and she was still here, she would be the one for the position. Kate asked if that would mean she would go back to year one again. That would be discussed at that time per Peter Fenton. Harry Wright is the liaison between the BACC and the Selectmen.

Harry Wright thanked the BACC Board for well done reports.

Jon Marden requested the following letter be read into the minutes:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised of the possibility of asking Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer to put fifty thousand ($50,000) from the Ambulance billing checking account into an Interest Bearing Money Market Account. Cheryl also advised she has spoken with both, Rich Branch, Rescue and Mark Goldberg Dire Chief and they have no problem.

Plan NH Charrette for the Marshall Property was suggested.

Marcia Keller stated that information from Department Heads needed to be more realistic in CIP as reported by the Planning Board. Departments were asked to prioritize. They cannot support huge spikes requested from the tax payers, it needs to be spread out. The CIP is not a wish list, but a needs list. The current CIP committee will review and update the report next year, and will start earlier next year.

Don Jackson advised the CIP committee’s plan is to start in April in 2011, right after Town Meeting.

Harry Wright suggested the first year is the least accurate and in two or three years it will have more substance.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

A Tax Warrant was signed

Insurance agreement for Property Liability was discussed as well as workman’s comp and unemployment with the time for renewal soon. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check further on this.

CDFA and energy issues would cost just under $32,000 for vapor barrier, basement, attic, wrap and repair the duct work. It was stated that propane hot water heat was suggested, and this work could be done in pieces by zoning. A 1.25% weatherization loan could be obtained from CDFA for the first year followed by 2.25% for consecutive years. This would have to go as a Warrant Article.

Police Activity for the month was received.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town Hall will be closed on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Dick Keller requested to correct an error in the November 30, 2010 minutes. Under Appearances, half way down page 1, Dick Keller stated that about 90% should read:

-40%. Also requested by Jon Marden to correct an omission by adding: his discussion of the benefit ratio contribution returning to 15/85 which was agreed upon by the Selectmen.

2011 Budget

4195                Cemetery                                             $18,065.00

Tree removal at Pleasant Hill cemetery-none done last year.

Ramp for Dick’s truck.

Gravestone repair.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney, seconded by Harry Wright to accept the Cemetery budget. Motion carried 3-0.

4152 Revaluation                                           $25,555.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair, seconded by Harry Wright to accept the Revaluation and pass on to the Budget Committee. Carried 3-0

4140                Election, Registration                $ 6,030.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to accept, seconded by Jack Meaney, Carried 3-0.

4194 General Gov’t Buildings                        $50,550.00

Question was asked about semi-annual Town Clock tune-up and was agreed upon unanimously for $300.00. Last of insurance money has been received.

Light needed over the handicapped entrance, need to address railing at front entrance.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept, seconded by Harry Wright.

Peter Fenton voted Nay. Motion carried 2-1.

4210 Police

New police officer cost will be covered by COPS Grant and will come back to town. Also step increase is included.

Hold on this until later.

Marcia Keller noted there is going to be a Zoning Hearing next week on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Planning Board meeting.

Marcia also questioned the Selectmen if they would do a follow-up letter to the Lumber Barn regarding their sign.

The Selectmen will meet again sometime during next week. (Decision is Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010 at 8:00am.)

Meeting adjourned 7:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley