Planning Board Minutes 07.26.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:00

Members: Pam Bruss-Chair, Carol Troy-Vice Chair, Carol Meise, Tom Dunne, Laurie Colburn, Doug Troy & Mel Pfeifle-Selectmen’s Rep

Alternates: Steve Chase

Excused: Laurie Colburn, Sonny Harris-Alternate & Katie Olohan-Alternate

Guests: Matt Monahan-CNHRPC

Mr. Steve Chase seated for Ms. Laurie Colburn.

Review & Consideration of Minutes: Vice Chair Carol Troy requested one change in Paragraph 2, the Lot Line Adjustment discussion, change ‘…more non-conforming’ to ‘less non-conforming’.

Ms. Carol Meise motioned to approve the 06.28.22 Planning Board Minutes as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Troy. All ayes. 

Public Hearing: Chair Pam Bruss recommended postponing the Public Hearing to August 23rd. All concurred. Mr. Matt Monahan will not be available. He will review the materials with Chair Bruss prior to the hearing.

Fee Structure: Mr. Matt Monahan from Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) looked at the Town’s budgetary account. In the Revenue and Expenses section it showed overall, as of July 21st, that the expenses of the Town are outweighing their revenue. Mr. Monahan showed examples of different fee structures used in the Towns of Allenstown and Bow. He proposed a fee structure for Bradford based on his findings. He suggested the Town of Bradford increase their fees on subdivisions (major and minor) and site plans to help decrease their overall deficit. Ms. Mel Pfeifle would like an explanation of how Allenstown and Bow came up with their fee structures. Mr. Monahan suggested getting an average of how long it takes Department Heads to complete an application for both major and minors. Mr. Doug Troy recommended keeping fees low on minor subdivisions, but on major subdivisions increasing fees to support the budgetary needs. Discussion ensued. Chair Bruss suggested changing the ‘Newspaper’ fee to a ‘Public Notice’ fee. They agreed on a $40 fee. Chair Bruss suggested increasing the abutter fee to $15 or $20. On subdivisions, the Committee agreed on a $100 application fee and $100 fee per lot for a minor. They discussed an $1,000 fee for a major subdivision. Mr. Monahan recommended the major and minor site plan filing fees be similar to the subdivision fees. The Committee concurred. The current square footage charge for a site plan is $1 per 1,000 sq ft of an estimate over 50,000.  Mr. Troy recommended adding $200 per residential unit and $150 per 1,000 sq ft . He suggested taking out the non-residential clause. The Committee discussed the Escrow fee. Chair Bruss suggested filling out the indirect costs for escrow. Mr. Monahan suggested having a drainage study fee for engineering. There was also a fee listed for consulting a lawyer. Mr. Troy suggested combining the fees into one for $2,500. Chair Bruss suggested making one escrow fee for technical and expert review. Ms. Pfeifle recommended a $3,000 fee for major subdivisions and site plans and $500 for minors. Mr. Monahan said Bradford has a conditional use permit for wetland impacts. A conditional use permit falls under the innovated land use RSA for certain types of things that need to be permitted and are not site planned or subdivisions. Bradford hasn’t received a permit. Mr. Monahan said the fee ranges from $25 to $50 in other towns. The Committee agreed to keep the fee included. Mr. Monahan recommended next year, the Committee review the impact of the increased fees and how they’ve effected the Town’s revenue. Chair Bruss said they need to update the applications and vote to adopt the new fees. Mr. Monahan will adjust the fees discussed and send them to Chair Bruss.

Lot Line Adjustment Application: Chair Bruss said Ms. Katie Olohan was going to present the Lot Line Adjustment Application Review, but she was absent. It will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Shoreline Protection Review: Chair Bruss said the Shoreline Protection Review has not started. Mr. Monahan will be streamlining the review.

CIP Committee: Vice Chair Troy said the CIP Committee met a couple weeks ago. She said Ms. Karen Hambleton will send out forms to department heads. The forms are due back on August 5th. The next meeting will be August 18th. Department heads will present the projects they want to complete.

Pending Tasks:

Update fee structure and vote to adopt them.

Discuss the Lot Line Adjustment Application Review

Shoreline Protection Review.

Ms. Meise motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Troy. All ayes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted by Hannah Gardner