Selectmen’s Minutes 09.26.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Jeff Earls – Assessor – Jeff asked if the Board wants to change the revaluation from 2025 to 2023. One reason is because the State requires that the Town’s ratio be between 90% – 110% in any given year. And the COD (which measures how outside the median a Town is) is at 20 which is the limit. Also, the ratio goes into the calculations the DRA does for equalization as well as the percentage of county tax, and school tax. Jeff said if the trend keeps going the ratio will drop even more. Right now, the ratio is at 79.8%. The ratio as calculated by the State will over inflate the change in the ratio.

Karen asked if this would change our revaluation schedule and Jeff said no. He said a lot of communities have done an interim revaluation to adjust the equalized value of the Town. Mel asked what if the market goes down, and Jeff said it can be adjusted. Karen asked why we can’t do that as part of our cyclical work. Jeff said we could do that too, but it will be less accurate. Mel asked when he needs to know. Jeff said they could budget for it and decide later what to do. Beth thinks we should move forward with it. Marlene agreed. Mel suggested we take a closer look at this and get back to him.    

Economic Development Committee Update – Scott McCaskill, Chair, relayed that they have come up with a list of properties that they would like to see used productively including properties on East and West Main Street that are vacant and/or falling into disrepair.  The property at 122 East Main Street could be a valuable property. It has pollution problems, but they would like to see something happen here. The pollution seems to be dispersing throughout the ground. It could be a parking lot or a small retail store, or small manufacturing shop. Beth asked if anyone has spoken to the owner. She said she believes the owner does not want to sell it. A list of properties the Committee has been looking at was shared.   

Steve Hall – Highway Department – Steve has been contacting fuel companies about diesel. All towns are waiting to lock into prices. The prices he has received have ranged from $3.60 – $4/gallon. He is waiting to see where the prices go. Last year we locked into $3/gallon. He said they are trying to cut down on fuel expenses whenever possible. Last year they spent $11,500 on street mowing which did not include the cost which was borne by the Highway Dept. He said the mowing contractor hasn’t come yet, so he thinks they will cancel for this year. Mel said if they don’t mow, it will make up for the increased price of fuel. There were four quotes for the new well. Contoocook Artesian Well gave the least expensive quote with $13,965. Steve would like to have this company drill the new well. The Board members agreed. Steve said building repair has begun. Marlene asked if insurance would help with the cost and Steve said he wasn’t sure. There was discussion regarding blasting the ledge at the Transfer Station at the last meeting. He called several companies to see how much it would cost to purchase the materials. The cost for the equipment and labor would need to be added to the calculation. Bruce Davis, from All States Construction, does chip sealing and looked at some of the roads to see if it was feasible to continue with the process. Center and Jones Road should have asphalt. Fairgrounds Road, East Washington Road, Sunset Hill and, Cressy Road all have increased in price. Mel asked if the chip seal will hold on the hills and Steve said it holds up pretty well. Steve wants to get the Road Committee together soon. The West Main Street /Cochran Hill project is planned for this fall. Salt has gone up to $89/ton this year. Steve has been working on his budget. Karen commended Steve and his team for their efforts saving money and cutting costs.

Energy Committee – Kathleen Bigford led discussion regarding installing solar panels on Town property. Solar panels are in the process of being installed at the Newbury treatment plant and the Committee would like to do something similar in Bradford. The work is being done by Revision Energy and it was suggested that Revision Energy would do the work in Bradford as well. This solar array could generate 100,000 kilowatts, which is approximately what Bradford uses municipally per year. A photo was show as to what they would look like. The project cost would be approximately $400,000. The arrangement would require a five-year commitment from the Town with Revision Energy after which the Town could buy it at a discount. The life of the solar panels should be 25 years. The proposed location is the ½ acre at the entrance to the Transfer Station.

Erica Gross – Town Clerk – With the recent passing of Louise Clark, the Boston Post Cane is due to be presented out. Erica wondered if one of the Selectboard members would want to join Erica in presenting the cane. Marlene offered to go. There was discussion regarding records that are currently at the Town Hall. The records need to be removed from the Town Hall before the restoration begins. Erica said her records need to be under lock and key. Anything that doesn’t need to be locked up can go to the Masonic Lodge. Anything that needs to be locked, Erica is hoping to store them temporarily in the BACC.

Town Hall Update – Karen suggested that all the records and furniture that need to be removed from the Town Hall before construction be stored in the Masonic Lodge until the restoration is complete. Karen said there are four broken windows at the lodge and has spoken to someone about closing the openings. It was recommended that the windows should be boarded up rather than the panes of glass be replaced. The Board agreed to have Karen move forward with getting the windows closed up at the Masonic Lodge. Karen will also inspect for pests at the building as well. Karen received an email from the Historical Society requesting that the items from Town Hall that are being stored there be brought back. It is unclear exactly what those items are. Construction on the Town Hall will begin in November.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 12, 2022, meeting.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes for the September 12, 2022, meeting.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Review August Expenses – Marlene reviewed the expenses.
  • Audit – Management’s Discussion and Analysis – Karen distributed a proposed draft. The Board agreed this should be submitted for inclusion in the audit.

New Business:

  • Office Hours – Karen said the new person will be full-time next week and asked the Board if the office could change its hours to open at 8:30 instead of 8:00 am. The Board agreed.
  • Sign Current Use Application – Signed.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • October 11, 2022

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.