Planning Board Minutes 10.25.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022.

Members: Pam Bruss-Chair, Laurie Colburn, Carol Meise & Mel Pfeifle-Selectman’s Rep

Alternates: Steve Chase & Kristen Mihaly

Absent: Carol Troy-Vice Chair, Doug Troy, Sonny Harris & Katie Olohan-Alternate

Guests: Lindsey White- GZA GeoEnvironmental & Sam Reiss-Eversource, Jeremy Phil-Eversource, Tracy

Review & Consideration of Minutes: Grammatical changes and adjustments to the 09.29.22 minutes were discussed. Holding approval to confirm information discussed.

Mr. Steve Chase motioned to approve the 09.27.22 Planning Board Minutes as presented. Seconded by Ms. Laurie Colburn. All ayes.

Ms. Kristen Mihaly was seated for Mr. Doug Troy.

Mr. Steve Chase was seated for Vice Chair Carol Troy.

Public Hearing: 3410 Distribution Line Structure Removal Project

Ms. Mel Pfeifle recused herself at 7:07pm and became part of the public.

The public hearing was opened at 7:09pm. Chair Bruss read the Public Hearing rules and procedures into record. Public Notice was noticed by certified mail, online and posted in two public places.

Ms. Lindsey White from GZA GeoEnvironmental and Mr. Sam Reiss from Eversource presented the Conditional Use Permit Application for an upcoming distribution line retirement project. Eversource would like to retire their 3410 Distribution Line and remove the poles and infrastructure from the existing right of way. The line is being retired due to difficult topography and terrain resulting in safety concerns for continued future maintenance for this particular line. The line is about 6.5 miles in length crossing through portions of Bradford, Sutton, and Warner. They will be removing 145 existing poles, 34 of which are located in Bradford. The project requires temporary wetland impact to access each pole and have a work area for safety equipment and vehicles. The poles will be cut in smaller pieces and removed offsite. The line will be removed from the right of way. In terms of access and work areas located within the wetlands, Eversource would utilize temporary timber mats to minimize and prevent running and compaction with wetlands. GZA will be on-site during the construction activities to monitor standard practices and road control. Eversource submitted a Utility Statutory Parentification through the State of NH, the Department of Environmental Services. The goal is to remove the poles from the wetlands over the winter months. Mr. Reiss said it may be pushed back due to supply chain issues. It won’t be operational until they get transformers.

Chair Bruss asked where the poles will go. Mr. Reiss said poles that are not in wetlands will be removed in total but those in the wetlands will be cut at the base and removed off site. Ms. Mihaly asked if new poles will be put in. Ms. White said it will be relocated to an existing roadside distribution line.

Ms. Colburn referenced the Erosion Control notes. She asked if there was a period of time after they’ve completed their work, that they will maintain the erosion control measures and make necessary changes. Ms. White said they are required by permit to have a Stillwater Pollution Prevention Plan through the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. Part of the permit requirement is that there is a certain level of vegetative regrowth for stabilization restoration. They will be monitoring the erosion control measures until they are met.

Chair Bruss opened the hearing to public comment.

Mr. Ernst Bewersdorf of Hopkinton, NH. He asked if Warner will also hold a public hearing. There is no hearing scheduled for Warner. He asked about the effect of leaving the base of the poles in the wetland area. Mr. Jeremy Phil from Eversource stated the impact is negligible due to the poles being spaced apart.

Mr. Dennis Mitchell, resident on Ring Hill Rd, stated he could not find the plans online. Chair Bruss will email the plans. Mr. Mitchell asked once the poles are removed if they are relinquishing the right of way or if it will change in anyway. Mr. Phil said Eversource will not be releasing the rights although they have no plans to develop it. The plan is to allow the vegetation within that right of way to grow to its fullest extent. Mr. Mitchell asked if there was an option to leave the poles on the property after they are cut down. Mr. Phil stated due to the make of the poles, they don’t allow landowners to take them.

Mr. Tony Russo, resident on Bagley Hill Rd, asked as a Conditional Land Use Permit, if the Board can insist on doing nothing with the easement. Chair Bruss stated any use that’s being used, whether it’s a dated right or not, if it’s not being used within that use, within 2 years, it becomes a change of use or new use that would come before the planning board.

Mr. Chase asked if Eversource contributes to any other utility business, other than electric. Mr. Reiss said they mainly do transmission and distribution electric with a small water business on the seacoast.

Chair Bruss questioned crossing the wetlands when it’s not frozen. Ms. White said they would still utilize timber matting even under wet conditions.

Ms. Colburn asked if they are providing contact information and escalation forms for abutters. Mr. Reiss sent out a project introduction letter that gave an overview of the project. The project hasn’t gone to bid yet so there is no information on contractors. Mr. Reiss provided his phone number and email address for landowners in Bradford, Warner, and Sutton. He will send out a letter to landowners a month in advance about construction, with a higher level of detail. Ms. Colburn asked if Bradford’s Police Department will be notified. Mr. Reiss will forward the request to their Community Relations Manager.

Chair Bruss closed public comment.

Discussion ensued amongst the Board.

Mr. Chase motioned to approve the 3410 Distribution Line Structure Removal Project presented by Eversource. Seconded by Ms. Colburn. All ayes.

Chair Bruss closed the public hearing at 7:52pm.

Ms. Pfeifle was reseated at 7:54pm.

Appearances: Chair Bruss opened the discussion on the Bradford Historical Society signage. She stated as long as it fits within the sign regulations, they can update the file. Ms. Tracy Quigley from the Historical Society will move forward with ordering the sign.

Shoreline Protection Review: Ms. Carol Meise met with Mr. Matt Monahan to discuss the Shoreline Protection Review. Mr. Monahan had someone assess the lots and buildings. Ms. Meise said the focus should be on inappropriate surfaces and mitigating them by cools or rain gardens. Mr. Monahan will research the new focus and review with Ms. Meise next week. The idea is to have a meeting with the Planning Board for input once they put together findings.

CIP Committee: Chair Bruss reported the CIP Committee completed their work and gave recommendations to the Budget Committee. On November 22nd, the Planning Board will give their recommendations to the Select Board. Chair Bruss will make a public announcement, post it online and send it to the Budget Committee and Select Board.

Table of Uses: Chair Bruss stated the Table of Uses was completed but requires the Board to vote on it within a specific period of time prior to Town Meeting. It will be noticed with the CIP Committee meeting on November 22nd. Chair Bruss will send the Board the Table of Uses for review.

Other Communication: Ms. Meise opened discussion in reference to the Shoreline Review Plan. She would like to research zoning ordinances in Lake 5 towns. Chair Bruss suggested researching Pleasant Lake zoning ordinances in New London. Ms. Mihaly will contact individuals for information about Webster Lake regulations. Mr. Chase suggested as a Planning Board, reaching out to the Lake Massasecum Improvement Association for partnership. Discussion ensued.

Ms. Pfeifle would like to review and finalize the fee structure before bringing it to the Select Board. The Planning Board will review the fee structure at the November 22nd meeting.

Pending Tasks:

Lot Line Adjustment Application Review

Shoreline Protection Review


CIP Committee

Ms. Meise motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Chase. All ayes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted by Hannah Gardner