Selectmen’s Minutes 11.14.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:01 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Bryan Nowell – Fire Chief – Bryan reviewed the status of his budget. He has 16% remaining in Fire and 54% in the Rescue. Since his last report to the Board, they have been on 15 runs, 12 EMS and 3 fire (one was mutual aid). He noted the accident at the end of High Street, which is Newbury, in which the logging truck rolled over. Bryan mentioned the department had done truck checks, which identified needed repairs, that the department had participated in two community Halloween events and that the 3 individuals who are in EMS training are doing well. There was discussion about the Henniker Rescue Contract, including the idea of returning to supplying our own rescue service which would necessitate the purchase of an ambulance. Bryan was asked to put together an estimate of what that might cost for reference. Bryan and Karen will set up a meeting with Henniker Rescue to review the contract.

Bryan shared that he had received three bids to update the Town’s LEOP (Local Emergency Operations Plan) which expired in 2008. He summarized the three options for the Board. The grant to update the LEOP is funded 50/50 through Homeland Security. They pay $4000 and the Town is responsible for the remaining $4000, which can easily be accounted for in matching funds from the time department heads spend working on the update.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to authorize Bryan to reach out to Hubbard Consulting to put the LEOP update in motion.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Steve Hall – Road Agent – Steve provided a quick update to the Board. He shared that truck #7 was at Reed’s having the new transmission installed. He also said the generator is being hooked up and that the new 10-wheel truck may be here this week. He noted the trucks have been oiled/undercoated however the cost was $1921 instead of the approximate $1600 expected. This is due to the size of the new truck. He reported that for an additional $200, they would oil the new truck as well. Steve thought that was reasonable. The Board agreed. He also mentioned that there are several trees along Cilley Lane that are dropping bark. He’s concerned that they will come down in a storm. Steve will reach out to Eversource.

Future Initiatives from CIP – Financial Policy – Beth will reach out to Laurie Colburn and Tim McKenna from the Budget Committee to see if they’d be interested in participating in developing a policy.

Town Hall Update – Karen shared the contract from Bruss Construction Management and asked if the Board had any questions or concerns with the document. They did not and agreed to move forward under the terms outlined. The start date is likely going to be November 28th; the date to move town records etc out of Town Hall has been set for November 22nd.

Fees – Karen noted that in the discussion about fees, we want to be sure we include all departments that charge fees. That includes the Police Dept, Transfer Station (already done), Selectmen’s Office, Community Center, Code Enforcement, Planning Board, Zoning Board and perhaps the Fire Department.

Karen mentioned that the Director from the Community Action Program in Warner will be at the meeting on the 28th to share information about their program.

Expenses – Review – The budget remains very tight. There was discussion about where to tighten our spending. Karen will update the Trust Fund balances to help identify resources we can tap.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to instruct department heads to be cognizant of their use of overtime and other expenses.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Karen will send the department heads an email.

New Business:

Diesel Shortage – Mel mentioned she’d seen a lot about it in the news and reiterated that the Town needs to be proactive if this becomes a reality.

Tax Rate – The Department of Revenue has not completed their review of our forms. The group agreed to meet Wednesday to discuss the options available to help control the tax rate and finalize it.

Budget – Karen stated that she and Heidi are looking for alternatives for health insurance to avoid the 11.7% increase. The Board also wanted to see the impact on the 2023 tax rate of the different tiers of the employee increases. Karen reminded the Board of their joint meeting with the Budget Committee on Thursday. Mel asked to invite the School Board rep to a meeting to discuss the school’s tax rate setting process and resulting increase. There was a discussion about Cemetery Trust funds and how those might be used to help offset cemetery expenses in the operating budget.

A brief update and discussion concerning the potential locations of solar panels at the Transfer Station took place.

Karen noted there was unanticipated revenue to accept.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept $25 additional revenue for the 2019 Town Hall Trust Fund and $500 for the 1964 Scholarship Fund per RSA 31:95-b.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 8:49 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 9:28 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Upcoming Meetings:

  • November 16, 2022 – tax rate
  • November 17, 2022 – joint meeting with Budget Committee

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton, Administrator.