Select Board Minutes 01.05.11

JANUARY 5, 2011

Present at Mandatory Pre=Proposal Sidewalk Meeting:

Peter Fenton, Chair, opened the Pre-Proposal Sidewalk meeting for East Main Street with Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Jeff Remillard, Road Agent, Trudy Willett, Selectman’s Assistant, Jane Johnsen, Sidewalk Committee member, Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

The Secretary requested each person in attendance to please sign in with name, address and telephone numbers. There were 13 companies who signed up.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator, handed out the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program information, which was the original paperwork for the Grant we filed as well as a map of Main Street East. This map includes the 1650 feet of proposed Sidewalk on East Main Street. This TE Grant was originally for $600,000, but on review, they recommended to include additional money for historic review and environmental review, consequently, the project is estimated at $645,275.00.

There is phase one of a four phase project, and is the first TE project that the town has done, and an Engineering firm that has had experience with TE projects will be very helpful.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the sidewalks were installed in Bradford in 1934, done by the WPA project. Condition is terrible, and they will need to be torn up and replaced. Determination of whether the roadway is wide enough to do both the ADA accessible sidewalk, and we would like to consider a bike lane as well. We are also working with Safe Routes to School people to help fund these projects. Several surface types have been looked at, and the asphalt is cheaper. This is a matching grant. The goal is to improve the appearance of Main Street as well as promote health and safety of the community. Granite curbing is being considered. There is a historic tree involved.

Questions were asked and answered at this time, including where does sidewalk end on Main Street and 114, cross walks, Right of Way on properties, drainage. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there has been many letters of support from residents along East Main Street. It was advised that the old sidewalk will be dug up and hauled off to the landfill area.

It was requested that the 15 pages in the RFQ be separated as to resume’s of the teams from the actual proposals, between PM’s, Surveyors and Staff Engineers which the Selectmen agreed to do.

The submittals need to be in the Town Hall by January 20, 2011 at 12:00 noon. These will be reviewed and notices of whom the three are in the running, ranked by qualifications. Then interviews will be set up with those firms with an agreement hopefully by March. William Rose, DOT will be a contact person. It was also noted that a spring construction is expected.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised most every house on East Main Street is over 100 years old.

Harry Wright advised Map 17, Lot 12 on the map that was handed out is the Brownfield’s property that the town is interested in developing towards town growth and rejuvenation.

Street lighting was questioned and discussed.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked everyone for coming. Harry Wright suggested anyone who is interested could go on a Site Walk of the area.

Meeting adjourned 10:22am

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
