Select Board Minutes 05.13.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany
Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of April 22, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to accept the April 22, 2024 minutes as written.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Suzanne Demers Director of Elder Services – Community Action Program (virtually by zoom) also appearing Heather O’Brien, Michael Tabory. Suzanne will be leaving as of May 24; Heather O’Brien will be the interim director.

Proposal: CAP would like exclusive use of the “community room” now being used for various activities and by the Drivers Education Program, and the kitchen. Suzanne asked about “exclusive usage”. Karen’s interpretation of exclusive is that no one else would have use of the space. Susan agreed that the kitchen could be shared with locked refrigerators. Rooms could be shared when CAP programs are not in session. CAP is enthusiastic about sharing with the community.

Karen brought up the consideration that there will no longer be on-site management from the Town. Michael suggested that volunteers could cover. CAP will develop volunteers to help with building management.

Lease: An intention to renew the lease is due by May 20. Beth confirmed that the lease will renew. A temporary lease was agreeable. CAP was asked to send a sketch of the room by the next Select Board meeting.

Michael Bruss – Town Hall Recap Appeared to answer questions and discuss the project.
Marlene asked: capacity of upstairs – 160, depending on use. Plumbing is in place behind the wall on the second floor, fixtures are needed. Evacuation of second floor accessible. Elevator, through first floor meeting room, to accessible egress. Michael was unsure of the capacity of the first-floor meeting room. Wiring for town hall streams will be done this week. Entire building has been wired for AV.

Overview: The original budget was $2.6 million. Trumbull-Nelson kept to the 2022 contract of $2.4 million. There were unrecognized demands that put strain on the budget: considerable wiring that was required; safety in Town Offices, energy saving measurers; LCHIP specifications which added over $80,000 to the cost of the project (their contribution in the first phase was $105,000); redesign of the cisterns for fire safety. Eversource presented scheduling challenges for the installation of the transformer for three-phase service. This delay extended the project for 2-3 months.

Michael is confident that the building is serviceable and will remain so for more than 100 years. Michael mentioned that completion of the project as contracted would not have been possible without extensive volunteer services. Beth and the Board thanked Michael for his work on the project.

Susan Moss – Town Hall Landscape Bradford Community Gardeners. Susan and Bindy have been working mainly to clean the grounds. Susan submitted following plans/suggestions from the Gardeners to beautify the Town Hall property. The recommendations take into consideration that there are no extra town funds for purchasing materials or paying for a professional landscape service. We are volunteering our time and looking for donations to purchase shrubs and small flowering trees. We are not recommending any flower beds now. Note that donations already funded planters.

The Highway Department has done a fantastic job carving out and finishing the parking area and we know they are also planning to loam and seed the front and west side lawn. They will also bring in woodchips and fill where needed. A huge thank you to them for this work!

Bindy, John Mooney, Kathleen Henry, and Dennis Kirkell – Resident Concern Residents of Massasecum Avenue are concerned about decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment relevant to a “Wellness Retreat” application made by Beata Bzura.

Concerns were about: the traffic on, and condition, of the road; a business in a rural residential zone; safety of walkers on the road; water safety; new application presented at the hearing. Beth said that Board shares these concerns. Also, the applicant will need to follow through with the Planning Board, a process that will take some time.

Walter Royal – Building Inspector
(Permits for – Map 16 Lot 90, Map 2 Lot 104 Sub 1, Map 2 Lot 21, Map 11 Lot 81, Map 1 Lot 40, Map 16 Lot 112) – Signed

Steve Hall – Highway Department Update
• 68.93% of budget remains.
• Street sweeper is working in town.
• Fairgrounds project is moving forward.
• Tracks for skid steer are needed. Trying to save $17k.
• Spring grading is set for now.
• Pierce Road a resident has concerns.
• Speed bumps are installed on Old Warner Road at the school/ball field.
• NH State Mine safety inspection will happen.
• State of NH needs documentation relevant to the Center Road Bridge. $3800 will be necessary to complete the load rating documentation.

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the use of funds from the 2022 Emergency Bridge Repair fund to complete the load rating documentation.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:
Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature. Signed.
April Expense Review: All expenses are within budget.
Planning Board Review of Map 3 Lot 36: An application needs to be made before a decision can be made.

New Business:
Facilities Committee Resignation: The Board accepted the resignation of Kris Foss from the Facilities Committee.
Tree at Brown Shattuck Field: Tree has been removed.
Accept Unanticipated Revenue

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved that the Board accept $650.00 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b in private donations for the Bradford Scholarship Fund.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved that the Board accept $3,419.00 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b from Amica Mutual Insurance Company for damage done to guardrails.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Sign Tax Warrant: Signed
Sign Intent to Cut Map 4 Lot 15: Signed
Sign Property Tax Exemptions (2): Signed
Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 12: Signed
Sign Personnel Action Forms: Signed

Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (l)

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to adjourn to Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (l) at 8:10 pm.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Chip Meany moved to return to public session at 8:35 pm.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting: May 20, 2024

Respectfully Submitted, Kathleen Bigford