Zoning Board Minutes 06.05.24

7:00 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Bill Duffy, Jim Varney, Laura Beaton

Also attending: Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary 

Review minutes of May 1, 2024 meeting

Motion: Bill Duffy moved to accept the minutes of the May 1, 2024 meeting as written.

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 3 in favor, 1 abstention

Receipt of applications 

Applications for Rehearing by John J. Mooney, Belinda Glennie, Kathleen Henry/Cheryl Johnson, Mark Balboni, Chris Balboni and Dennis Kirkell of an Application for a Special Exception to run a seasonal wellness camp at 131 Massasecum Avenue, Map 11, Lots 14 & 18.

Brooks determined, and the Board agreed, that all applicants are affected by the decision to grant a special exception and have standing to appeal.

Brooks also determined, and the Board agreed, that based on the first statement on the application, and following the letter of the law, a new application for special exception is required. The statement reads, “Applicant of 131 Massasecum Ave. changed her Application for Special Exception the night of the Zoning Public Hearing, requiring a new application be submitted.”

Motion: Laura Beaton moved to set a date for a rehearing. 

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 4-0, all in favor

The rehearing will take place at the next Board meeting, July 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm.  

75 West Main, Bradford, NH  

Belinda Glennie, present at the meeting, agreed to submit the $80 application fee plus $15 for each of the rehearing applicants and each of the abutters no later than Friday, June 14, 2024.  

New Business – none 

Communications and miscellaneous 

Proposed updates to ZBA Rules of Procedure regarding Public Notice: 

Remove requirement for newspaper; add Town website 

Change “certified mail” to “verified mail.” 

2. Public Notice. [From ZBA Rules and Procedures, July 11, 2018] 

a. Public notice of public hearings on each application shall be given in a locally distributed newspaper [Change to “posted on the Town of Bradford Website”] and shall be posted at the Post Office and the Town Hall Bulletin Board no less than five (5) days before the date fixed for the hearing. Notice shall include the name of the applicant, description of property including tax map identification, action desired by the applicant, provisions of the zoning ordinance concerned, the type of appeal being made and the date, time and place of the hearing. 

 b. Personal notice shall be made by certified [Change to “verified”] mail to the applicant and all abutters not less than five (5) days before the date of the hearing. Notice shall also be given to the planning board, code enforcement officer, town clerk, [add: road agent, police and fire chiefs, select board, and conservation commission] and other parties deemed by the board to have a special interest. Said notice shall contain the same information as the public notice and shall be made on forms provided for this purpose. 

Motion: Bill Duffy moved to approve the changes as noted in the procedure.

Second: Jim Varney

Decision: 4-0, all in favor


Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting. 

Second: Laura Beaton

Decision: 4-0, all in favor

Next meeting July 3, 2024. 

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford