Economic Development Committee Minutes 06.06.24

The meeting came to order at 6:13m. Present were Scott McCaskill (chair), Bruce Gezelman, and Select Board member Marlene Freyler. Karen Booker of Sutton also attended.

As far as a business sign at the intersection of Route 103 and Main Street, Scott needs to contact the Property Management Bureau of the State DOT to see whether the 100′ right-of-way at the intersection could be reduced to 50′, which would allow space for a sign. The contact person is currently on vacation and will return soon.

Most of the remaining discussion centered on funding and grants, and the advantages of having a grant writer, who was more familiar with the various types and sources of grants, and could possibly do a better job than we could ourselves. Bruce said that Fire Chief Bryan Nowell may know of some. Bruce will contact Bryan about this.

The meeting adjourned at 7:00. Next month’s meeting, if regularly scheduled, would fall on July 4th, so we will schedule the meeting for an alternate time, to be posted on the calendar on the town web site.

Minutes by Scott McCaskill